forum.hackthebox.com is being blocked by Porn
As the subject suggests, forum.hackthebox.com is being blocked by Porn, which is not porn at all but the forum for a cybersecurity skills and training platform. Meanwhile, very hackthebox.…
More options for Recreation Time Slots
From "parental control" aspects, I would prefer being able to get more granular options for the block/enable time slots for my kids. Rather than the current all or nothing time slots I would want to…
How do I block free fire game using the DNS?
Hi. I'd like to block the free fire on my Younger cousins phone, I've already enabled private DNS but Don't know how'to block it
Different profiles on Pc / phone and router
Hello, I'm a total newby and not tech saavy as you all seem to be but I managed to implement nextDNS on my private network. I was wondering, if I want more restrictive settings for my children (they…
GAFAM blocking!
Hi NextDNS committee, I suggest you check these lists out and add them to the blocklists as soon as possible! https://github.com/nickspaargaren/no-google?…
Extend Parental Control functionality
It would be great if the Parental Control functions were a bit extended, because as it is, it's not really usable in the real world. Here's what I'd love to see added:…
Add more services in Parental Control
I think is a good idea, add more services on Parental Control. I use Adguard Home on my house blocking many other services on home network. But is not easy on mobile devices of my kids.…
Adding Games to be blocked
I see the game block list has a few games that my kids play, however there is also a lot that’s not on it. Will these be getting updated as time goes on or is the rest down to the individual to…
School style game blocklist for homeschool kids.
https://github.com/Mafraysse/AdGuard_GameList-Filter The games that can be blocked in the current list is to small. The link up top are what schools are using in my home town, to block a ton of games.…
End of Recreation Time
I'm sure it's common desire to set recreation time ending after midnight OR disable it at all for the weekend. But Nextdns blocks both! If I cannot (why?…
Block Anime Sites
Hi is there an easy way or like category for anime sites, so that I can block it to my network ?
[Bug] Parental control's recreation times should be an array
According to the official API and having confirmed by testing, children support PUT requests on data arrays. Thus, requests.put() towards https://api.nextdns.…
It's a feature rather a Bug
Hi Thanks for this filter. It is really a great help and needed at the time However, I am looking for an option to allow access to only allowlist. Is it possible to add an option to allow web…
Block Bypass Methods not blocking other DoH servers.
I found this in some other post, it's a list of public DoH servers https://github.com/curl/curl/wiki/DNS-over-HTTPS#publicly-available-servers I have NextDNS enabled via the nextdns-cli on my Unifi…
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page This makes it much more personalized
Please add OISD NSFW blocklist as an option
Could you please add the OISD NSFW blocklist as an option to the blocklists available? There are just soooo many sites missing in the default "porn" list currently used in NextDNS that it's…
Allow all logs
I'm planning to have my configuration set to by default block all TLDs and whitelist a handful of sites and only be able to access those. Since I use a lot of sites, and I don't want any interference,…
how to fix configuration id
how to fix configuration ip and restrict my self from changing it and get access to all the pornography and stupid dirty nasty content... please if someone can help me fix the configuration id it…
how to fix configuration iD
how to fix configuration iD and prevent any one from modyfing it because i really wanna build a shield from bad content +18 stuff games and bad things and i can really change the config id then use…
YouTube Restricted Mode Without Blocking Comments
Can you change YouTube ResitricetedMode without blocking comments. Or make it a separate option?
Threads missing from Parental Controls
I'd like to block the Threads app as well as threads.net during certain periods, but it is not listed as an option under "Websites, Apps & Games". I added Instagram,…
block adult website
block adult website s2vips.com
Pornography site not blocked
Hello NextDNS Team, Why this site is not blocked as pornography: https://fancysteel.com/ Should be. Thanks.
My child found a way around the parental controls.
I recently discovered that my daughter has found a way to bypass the parental controls I have in place. There is a website called https://www.windows93.…
The default porn filter is not up to date and quite a few sites slip through it. Can you connect OISD NSFW list (https://nsfw.oisd.nl) to the current filter or allow users to use it from the list of…