Storage of Logs in Different Country than Claimed?
Hello, I am connected using DoT method on smartphone and have storage of logs set to Switzerland. When I perform DNS leak test the IP detected is from server called "O.m.c.…
Feature to be able to resolve domains in other countries like ControlD
I like nextdns and i dont want to switch, but i sometimes need to appear as American to watch some shows. ControlD DNS can reroute domains and appear as an ip from another country (just from DNS).…
YouTube ads list
Hi, can you add an YouTube ads list? That specific block YouTube Ads?
Explain payment details in Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy is great and describes in detail about what is collected when using the service. Unfortunately it doesn't cover the information collected when a payment is made for a subscription.…
Summary of security or a filter to search in logs
Hello, I would like us to have the option of filtering by block lists in the logs section so that we can search more easily. It would also be very useful to be able to filter by the features of the…
Unable to verify identity of the server iphone
So the problem is that sometimes a pop up appears saying "Unable to verify identity of the server simpliftbefore.info" I'm using nextdns with the profile,…
iOS app blocking
Hello, 1) can I use NextDNS to block Waze and every other app in iOS that tracks and "steal" private data and tries to identify the user? can it help me to stay announymous?…
Ability to block
Ability to stop DNS request to certain countries I know there's top level domains but it does not do the same thing if you were able to just to say no more of this country I have a lot of quarries…
Query volume analytics should not require logging to be enabled
Currently, the ability to see query volume history is dependent on having logs enabled for that amount of time. I should be able to see my Blocked/Unblocked query volume by day for 24 months without…
add easylist portuguese
CLI NextDNS version not managing all DNS queries
Hello Forum, I have the NextDNS CLI client on a Debian server linked with my internal PowerDNS DNS server, The NextDNS CLI software is on port 53 and receives all DNS queries.…
Public wifi
Does configuring this dns for the browser bottle up my browser history for public WiFi owner, or should I also use vpn?
NSABlocklist not working
NSA Block List has been removed from github. There is no such link, can you remove it from the list?
Basic Filter Recommendations (BFR)
NextDNS gives us the option to pick as many or as little of the filters as we'd like. It's pretty nice but having a ton of choices could be a bit confusing so I wanted to make this thread about what…
Problems when using iOS 15 Mail Privacy Protection
When iCloud mail privacy protection is enabled content is never loaded, displaying a message: ”Your network settings prevent content from loading privately.”
Ads in App name is Fitpro
Application name is Fitpro. Previously there were no ads in this app for a long time but today it is full of pop-up and video ads.
Transparent proxy to receive redirects: next level privacy adblock
MITM Adblock. An NX or non routable IP address is the result of blacklist or blocking . While this mostly works the next level in privacy Need a server to receive redirects to spoof http status code…
NextDNS causes black screen when blocking ads on the weather channel app
When I try to watch a video on the weather channel app with nextdns enabled, I get a black screen instead of the actual video. Yet when I watch a video on the weather channel in my browser with…
Adding to the denylist and denylist upgrades
NextDNS is fantastic, but imho the user interface is incomplete. It would be great to be able to "right-click" or anyway select an address on the Logs page to block it right away.…
NextDNS - iPhone privacy warning
Does anyone get this at the WiFi connection status ? im connecting my iPhone to NextDns configured router ( OpenWRT with dnsmasq) Privacy Warning This network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic.…
iPhone -Privacy warning
I get this below warning from iPhone while connecting to the router configured with NextDNS, is this expected? This network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic.…
Ads on YouTube
On YouTube Still Have a lot of ads. Or it's can not block ads on YouTube?. It's too much ads. please fix all this
What to do when a website doesn't fully work
So what's the generic troubleshooting process supposed to be when you're using a legit website and clicking a button or progressing through a flow doesn't work.…