Custom blocklist support
NextDNS does not support the upload of custom blocklists, blacklist or whitelist for several reasons:
- Hosting a slightly different version of a well known blocklist for each user would not be scalable.
- We could not guarantee those custom blocklists are regularly updated and free of dangerous rules that could affect the stability of your browsing.
- Many blocklists are not well suited for DNS and need to be verified by our team.
If you know a public and well maintained list that may be interesting for other users, you can open an issue on our github repository.
37 replies
Do you really need to add more blocklists beyond the default one ??
It is not clear if there are duplicates between the different lists?
Competitors will likely offer custom block listing. I know AdGuard DNS is doing such. Same with ControldD.
Please consider a work around to make custom lists. Perhaps a hosts list or a custom URL listing?
Going to delete my account because you dont allow adding custom block lists like "" and whitelists like "".
Please add List-KR(
Unable to block websites in mobile.
Need Urgent support
Please add AdRules(Cats-Team/AdRules: List for blocking ads in the Chinese region (
Please add
i would love to se edded, its a news copany that dose fake news and everyone in germany haits it, they are called Springer.
Polish scam & spam CERT list v2
I want block betinexchange website