Next DNS Multiple Router IPs
I'd like to apply a different NextDNS configuration ID on my router based on the source VLAN / IP relay (i.e. I have an IP relay on,,, etc.…
AD Integration / Device Identifying
Does NextDNS have the capability of identifying each device behind my router, if I have the NextDNS IPs entered into the router or our DNS servers? So far,…
Block Bitflip Domains
It would be great if NextDNS could block bitflip domains (example: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/windows-com-bitsquatting-hack-can-wreak-unknown-havoc-on-pcs/).…
Use icon badge for NextDNS status indicator on iOS client
Use iOS app badge as an indication of whether the iOS client is enabled or not.
Add a consolidated Statistics/Queries page
Add a consolidated Statistics and Queries page, were you can see and compare data between all your configurations.
Multiple Domain DNS Rewrites Per Entry
I'm just curious if it's possible to support multiple entries per DNS rewrite, similar to how dnsmasq handles it. For instance using dnsmasq I can enter the following: server=/google.com/bing.…
Add a "query" function to blocklists
I'm switching from Pihole to NextDNS, and there is something that I miss from them, the ability to search in the blocklists for specific domains, to check if they are being blocked or not beforehand.…
{Suggestion} Allow a self note for deny list so when a website is blocked a personal note of the reason why I blocked it.
Allow a self note for deny list so when a website is blocked a personal note of the reason why I blocked it.
Chrome OS Client - PIN Lock
Please can the next Chrome OS client update allow the app to be locked by a PIN?
Chrome OS Client - Identify Device
Please can the next Chrome OS client update allow the device name to be sent, for analytics and logs?
I don't know where DNS Encryption occur?
Here is the NEXTDNS Logs from Pi. I'm using nextdns Debian Based Distribution on the Pi using WiKi . I can see dns encrypted on Nextdns Website but when I run wireshark it is not encrypted.…
Per Device Rules
Based on reported name, select and use associated configuration profile.
Ability to change minimum ttl
It could be cool if you were able to change the minimum ttl like DNS boost or maybe actually being able to set the minimum ttl as an option in DNS boost.
Direct APK or F-Droid app store support
A growing number of people don't use the Google Play Store with their android devices. Could you let android users download the apk directly from github or support inclusion into f-droid repo?
CAA record for *.nextdns.io
Hello, please, add CAA record on DNS for you domains. Thank you. Cheers
Offload/Clone Rules
Ability to save offline, duplicate, and sync configuration profiles.
Ability to comment on allow/deny lists for keeping track of why things were allowed or denied.
AllowLists, just like BlockLists
I would love the option to add AllowList like https://github.com/anudeepND/whitelist Just like I currently can add BlockList. This will help a lot to quickly fix issues around Chromecast or Amazon…
parental notifications via XMPP
Instead of a block option, a monitor match option. sms is costly, insecure, and comically outdated. xmpp is easily implemented, secure, easily encrypted, and usefully ubiquitous.
Password protect NextDNS app in Windows
Hello, It would be handy if password protection is added to the Windows NextDNS software/app. Children in family who want to visit blocked websites turn off the NextDNS in the minimize to taskbar…
Partnership with OpenNIC
Dear NextDNS team, I'd like to propose a partnership with OpenNIC, an open and democratic alternative DNS root. More information about OpenNIC can be found here.
Hi, Many of us have our own dashboards, applications and workflows to manage, monitor and change settings so I'm wondering if you guys will ever offer a web API so we can integrate it in our apps.
- Completed
Auto disable android app
Would it be possible to have the android app disconnect vpn when your connected to a home network that's using nextdns?
Submit domain for review
Hi, Is there a way we can submit a domain for review?
Block games websites
Please can you add a parental category that allows us to block games (played through the browser.)
Share your feedback and vote for the best ideas.