My NextDNS Analytics and Logs are broken
I don't know if this is only my issue, but it looks to me like it's failing to fetch the API.
- Fixed
Can't update my IP from dashboard, link-ip.nextdns.io timeout
Can't update my IP from dashboard. link-ip.nextdns.io timeout. C:\Users\user>nslookup link-ip.nextdns.io Server: UnKnown Address: xxxx:a8x0::61:xxxx Non-authoritative answer: Name: link-ip.nextdns.…
Install the NextDNS Root Certificate CA in Unifi Console (UDM Pro)
Guten Tag, gibt es eine Möglichkeit das NextDNS Root Zertifikat auf einem UniFi Gateway zu installieren? (Dream Machine Pro) damit die HTTP/HTTPS Warnungen im gesamten Netzwerk erscheinen,…
API usage for total account queries
Hello Everyone, I was trying to use the nextdns api to get the total queries made per month but I didn't find any related info about this on https://nextdns.github.io/api/ page.…
500 error when using API
Hello, I was wondering if there is a service issue going on or if there was a missed setting when trying to duplicate an existing profile it fails to post.…
Adding a field for personal note on block list and allow list
Hi, I have created a lot of custom allow and block list items but when I look back I find it hard to know why and also when I added those to the lists. It would be very helpful if you could add one…
custom link-ip.nextdns.io
Is it possible to manually edit the IP address linked to the account? I would like to know if there is any way to associate an IP in a customized way assuming that the computer responsible for…
Ability to assign custom device name when configuring via CLI
Sending your devices name lets you filter analytics and logs by device. Report device name? [Y|n]: Hello, Is it possible to set a custom client (device) name when configuring NextDNS via CLI?…
NextDNS not available / working
Current status is unavailable. On my internal network, https://test.nextdns.io/ results in no response. I've also tried the above URL on my phone (not connected to my network..…
Is there a way to create android app that imitates the old nextDNS app?
I'm developing an application similar to old nextDNS application for android. But with those endpoints that provided by setup tab, I can't make it working. Network connection works fine.…
API documentation is missing
The API lacks many features. For example, there are no options for category blocking, social media blocking, or specific domain blocking. Our company requires these features to be available.…
nextDNS CLI client names are wrong
I'm running nextDNS on my firewalla. It runs well, but I'd like to understand why some client names are very different than on the router. Note, this is CLI, not DoH.…
NextDNS for Routers issues
I used the script to install the NextDNS for Routers. Confirmed service was running, however you can see from the chart, less than 10% of queries were blocked by the CLI.…
Error while checking the current status.
Error while checking the current status. Please talk to us if this problem persists after refreshing the page. I try to connect to NextDNS all the time, but I literally cannot,…
Unable to requests.delete() from Python flask program
Dear All, I am perfectly able to add domains to my allowlist programmatically via my Python flask rest API program: import requests import json from flask import Flask,…
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page This makes it much more personalized
Request for Low Latency NextDNS Servers in Karachi, Pakistan
Dear NextDNS Support Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request the establishment or optimization of DNS servers in Karachi, Pakistan.…
I am unable to use the service
I am getting an error when accessing any of the pages on the dashboard where endpoints are not working as expected, here is a screenshot: Please assist.
I can't connect to Discord on Xbox using NextDNS
I can't connect to a discord call on Xbox, I've checked every possible way by creating a new profile, deactivating all the features and I just can't when I'm using NextDNS,…
Change API to get the exact location by IP
Hi NextDNS Team, When I checked the location of the IP, I observed that my location was not exactly. Here is a location in NextDNS, it is wrong. But when I check in ipinfo.…
Custom NextDNS Block Page
It would be very, very nice to let users customize the DNS blocking page. I suggest adding an option to add a personalized page in html format. The user could then add a page of their choice,…
Cannot connect home assistant
I’m trying to connect home assistant to nextdns using the core integration. I’ve created my API key, but I keep getting error message in home assistant when I provide the key and try to connect
ODoH Support?
When will NextDNS host their own ODoH server? It’s so small still but so is QUIC. https://blog.cloudflare.com/oblivious-dns I couldn’t convince anyone with anecdotes so take a look at the tech for…