Add to allowlist directly from log page
Please provide a way to directly add to the allowlist from the log page. Most of my interactions with the site hav been about trying to figure out why a page isn't working, and it's mostly been digging through the logs, copying the domain of the likely culprit that's breaking the page, opening the allowlist in another tab, and then pasting that domain in. Given that I may have to go through several domains, this is a lot of back and forth between tabs. I would much prefer to be able to directly add the entry to the allowlist by clicking on something in the log page. The fewer clicks the better.
25 replies
Seconded! I spend a lot of time copy pasting from Logs to Allowlist.
A long long time awaited feature, please add it soon !
Une fonctionnalité attendue depuis le début de NextDNS, pour pouvoir remplacer un pi-hole qui offre cette souplesse incontournable !
I would just add one more point to it, add functionality to manually create an "allowlist" file, and be able to share it across different profiles (either by upload or making it available as a list of choice just like blocklists). I don't want to allow certain domains on one of my profiles but I do want to allow them on others, if I have a way to create a custom list, I don't have to keep adding and adding domains that I want to allow for a given profile.
Just to add on - Also allow us to choose whether to allow the specific blocked domain or allow it's root domain
I want this too!
Definitely, we need this option (Add to Allowlist/Blacklist)
Something like this like the new Adguard DNS
Nextdns is being quickly passed by new solutions unfortunately.
I'm hearing from s year ago that something big is coming but no....
I'm considering new solutions unfortunately
BTW, I can't believe this feature request is over a year old. Adding entries to the Allow/Deny from the logs is a basic functionality. I honestly can't believe it's not available. Even Pihole's interface is much more useful in this regard.
YAWN....Come on NextDNS.
Though to be honest, posting in here is exactly the same as shouting into a deep, vast empty cavern. All you will hear is your own echo, and nothing else.
@nextDNS ??? — response, please?
This is definitely needed and would save lots of time.
How on earth can this not already be a feature? The development of NextDNS is glacial. They don't appear to listen to users.
Why hasn’t this been implemented? It’s a pretty basic and reasonable request. The fact that it’s been years says quite a lot to me.
Wow, returning to this service after a couple of years and I can't believe this simple and incredibly useful feature hasn't been delivered yet. What gives NextDNS??
They did it!
Cheers to NextDNS!
Now the only thing left to do is an ON/OFF switch - to enable/disable blocking.
I know they've added this, but is there a way to highlight a bunch of domains in the log and "allow all"? I have thousands of domains that need to be OKd and I can't go through them one by one.
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- Status Completed
- 3 mths agoLast active
- 25Replies
- 1242Views