Cannot block Facebook app
Hey, I cannot block Facebook app. The DNS does not filter out some of Facebooks secondary domains. This left it working even if I add it to parental controls. I am using Facebook lite app. On the screenshot you can see the domains that were not blocked. I know I can add them manually but I don't think it should be configured like that. Can you look into this. I am using NextDNS app on Android 7.
19 replies
We validated with a fresh Android install and Facebook, and our current facebook block is effective at blocking access to Facebook app's content. Note that it will still let you sign-in and see already cached content. Also, keep in mind the Facebook app is keeping many things including DNS entries in cache, so it can take some time for DNS block to be effective with this app.
Additionally, we do not block all Facebook domains (like fbcdn) as some of them are shared between different facebook apps. In our experience, blocking them would not improve facebook blocking but will block more than what is requested.
If you still think we are missing something, please open a ticket on with detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
You can try the "No Facebook" blocklist or add secondary facebook domains (like to your denylist
If you have the Facebook app installed you are exposed anyway.
Apps can use their own DNS and can make direct connections without DNS.
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Hi recently from app privacy report when app is not blocked by DNS, found different address from Facebook, wondering how @nextDNS will address these kind of addresses
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 19Replies
- 1430Views