Should I block sites I like?

I think I'm like a lot of people in that while, sure, I want to maintain my "privacy" (such as it is), I don't want to block the telemetry data that helps make the products that I DO use better.  I'm OK blocking the companies that I don't like (Google, etc.) and the ones I don't even use (Facebook, etc.) but I wonder if blocking companies that I actually use makes sense.  I'm thinking of Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Sonos, etc..  These are brands that I use and I want to support their ability to deliver me the best possible experience with relevant metrics.  That said, I DON'T want to participate in or enable invasive tracking.  What should I do?  Right now, I use OISD and whitelist the companies I use.

3 replies

    • Hey
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    It's your choice honestly, some people want more some like less tracking. It shouldn't really help them give you a better experience. The data is mainly to study user behavior, product reviews and such already give them the required feedback that they need for making new products. 

    • Pro subscriber ✓
    • DynamicNotSlow
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You can’t fully disable tracking with lists. Tracking is done via server side since years. 
    so blocking will only end in unique fingerprint which is the opposite of better privacy. 

    • Brian_Gregory
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I'm similar to you. I just aim to block malware and malvertising.

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