Account query total not updating

I'm a new user to NextDNS. I searched the forums, but could not find my question.

The total query count for my account does not seem to be updating. It has been at the same number for 2-3 days. I've been keeping an eye on it as I approach 300,000, and it now seems stuck at 236,505:


It was at this same number last night, about 12 hours ago, yet here is the last 6 hours as shown in the Analytics tab. So this count seems to be updating, just not the grand total.


What am I missing?

7 replies

    • R_P_M
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    You’re missing going over your allowance, pretty lucky maybe?

    Anyway, I hope it’s not old cached data by your browser as to why it’s not updated. 

      • Devyn_Osborne
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      R P M  Good thinking. That occurred to me too, though I often visit news sites, which should be updated. For the sake of it, I went to a couple sites I rarely visit... still no update.

    • Leiter_Rallets
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Speaking of own experience, you have a incompatible setting, like using vpn on ios or wrong router setting in router os. For ios do iVPN work with nextdns as custom dns in IVPN settings.

      • rixzz
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      I'm seeing the same issue in my account. They stopped around 167k, although the Analytics view shows around 285k.

      Also, replying to Leiter Rallets I can see my queries incrementing on the Analytics view, so the service is being used.

    • Devyn_Osborne
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Still stuck at 236,505...

    Here's a dumb question... is there a way to contact NextDNS support? I can't seem to find a support email / chat... perhaps I'm just missing it.

    • Devyn_Osborne
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Update! I checked on Friday and my count had reset to zero (it was at a few hundred when I looked). I guess everyone's count resets at the last day of the month (versus 1 month from signup).

    I've been away and mostly offline for the holiday weekend, but my count has increased as of today: ~21,000. I guess I'll monitor and see what happens.

    • Devyn_Osborne
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Welp, my query count is now stuck at 174,676, for a few days now. 

    I'm going to add some devices this week, so we'll see what happens after that.

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