300k queries limit hit while network is down

The queries limit has been hit during a massive network breakdown on 21st of October. How is that possible when there was no internet connection at all during these hours?

1 reply

    • Ruby_Balloon
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Your time filter is set to show the last 7 days. As of this writing, there's only a week left in this month. But just by going off the last 7 days in your screenshot, you used 178k queries so even if you used the same amount of queries the previous 3 weeks, it would make that 356k queries but it's likely you used more than that the previous 3 weeks of this month. You could try changing the filter to the last 30 days to get a better sense of your monthly query usage and/or multiply your latest weekly query usage by 4

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