Youtube videos being blocked from playing after 1 minute from NextDNS ads & trackers list

a server blocked from youtube jnn-pa.googleapis.com
unable to play youtube videos
This only occurs to certain content but still a lot where non functional as I would have to refresh every minute to get it to continue playing
I was able to diagnose the issue and found that NEXTDNS ADS & TRACKERS DEFAULT LIST was causing the blockage
this was just introduced in the last 2 days or something possibly

3 replies

    • 3l3m3nt
    • 4 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    I came here to say the same thing. This is what I'm experiencing also...

    • tender_merkle
    • 4 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    Many others have the same issue: https://github.com/jdlingyu/ad-wars/pull/21 (use google translate)

    • Liima
    • 3 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    I also have this problem and narrowed it down to the same blocklist but when I whitelisted that url it didn't help. Only disabling the whole blocklist fixes this issue.

Content aside

  • 3 wk agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 250Views
  • 4 Following