Can't Translate any website on Chrome...have tried removing all block list, turning off every other features... nothing seems to work... 

                                    And yeah  translation does work after removing DNS....  Hope  to fix it soon....

2 replies

    • Miru
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hope you see the image given that it's just keep loading won't translate... tried on PC too.....

    I'm just assuming it has something to do with nextdns... And yeah  Haven't added any blocklist as to check if it has something to do with that...

      They clearly doesn't work with DNS..... Maybe you can check it by going to a foreign language website and try to translate it to English or anything else with nextdns....!! 


    Wasn't like this always.. think it has been a week I guess...


    Sorry for the trouble if you clearly think it has nothing to do with the DNS

    • crssi
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Maybe you are blocking the translation service at DNS level.

    Check the logs.

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