Mosyle Setup Instruction

In Mosyle administration dashboard:

  1. Click on DNS Filter in the left menu
  2. Click “Add new profile”
  3. Select the “TLS” type for DNS protocol
  4. Fille the custom URL field with <config_id>.dns.nextdns.io
  5. Enable the new profile

1 reply

    • Victor_Ong
    • 4 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    This guide is written in year 2024, November.

    For Moslye Business

    1) Go to "Management"

    2) At the left configuration panel, select device group (macOS, iOS/ipadOS/watchOS, etc)

    3) Still at the left configuration panel, under "Management Profiles", click Button "Activate New Profile Type"

    4) Choose "DNS Settings"