Anexia-lon IPv6 down


I've just noticed that anexia-lon IPv6 (which is my secondary 2a07:a8c1::) has been down since about 0040 this morning. 

2a00:11c0:8:4::9 is not responding to pings.

Running diags on two machines currently but it probably won't complete due it hanging on the traceroutes. Will post if it completes, mtr output below.


nas.z3n.uk (2001:8b0:6401:82a0:0:ffff:a0a:a05) -> 2a07:a8c1:: (2a07:a8c1::)                                2024-03-27T19:25:37+0000
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                                                                           Packets               Pings
 Host                                                                                    Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. 2001:8b0:1111:1111:0:ffff:51bb:b98e                                                   0.0%    26    2.4   2.3   2.2   2.6   0.1
 2. 2001:8b0:0:53::133                                                                    0.0%    26    9.4   9.8   9.1  11.1   0.5
 3. 2001:728:0:5000::67e                                                                  0.0%    26    9.5   9.9   9.2  11.1   0.5
 4. 2001:728:0:5000::67d                                                                  0.0%    26   10.5  12.1   9.6  31.7   5.3
 5. 2001:728:0:2000::5d                                                                  30.8%    26   12.9  12.8   9.7  22.6   4.4
 6. 2001:728:0:2000::5a                                                                   0.0%    26   10.0  12.9   9.3  51.3   8.4
 7. 2001:728:0:5000::5ce                                                                  0.0%    26    9.9  10.2   9.5  11.0   0.3
 8. (waiting for reply)

13 replies

    • Will_Tisdale
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view
    • Will_Tisdale
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Any update on this please, it's still down.

    • Will_Tisdale
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Done some more digging and testing from another network and I'm 99% sure this is the same issue as last time - LINX and Anexia have decided to stop talking to each other - which is making 2a00:11c0:8:4::9 inaccessible from AAnet.

    • Will_Tisdale
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Any chance you can open a ticket with Anexia and get this fixed please? I'm not bugging my ISP about this again like I did the last time because it's not their problem.

    Although I imagine that it will happen again given that it's the second time recently so you probably need a more permanent fix.

    • NextDNs
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    We couldn’t replicate this issue on our side or any other client networks. It seems like to be an IPv6 routing issue at your ISP.

      • Will_Tisdale
      • 11 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       well, it's getting as far as NTT (so it's exited A&As network by that point) so I don't see how it can be a routing issue with A&A. But I'll raise it with them and see what they say.

                                                             My traceroute  [v0.95]
      Achlys (2001:8b0:6401:82a0:89b1:6299:f9eb:a398) -> 2a07:a8c1:: (2a07:a8c1::)                               2024-04-05T16:33:10+0100
      Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                                                                                 Packets               Pings
       Host                                                                                    Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
       1. router.z3n.uk                                                                         0.0%    47    5.1  13.9   2.7 157.8  31.8
       2. g.gormless.thn.aa.net.uk                                                              0.0%    47   11.4  20.0  10.6 166.6  28.7
       3. ntt.a.needless.tch.aa.net.uk                                                          0.0%    47   12.7  21.2  10.3 138.0  30.0
       4. xe-0-5-3-3.a01.londen17.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net                                             0.0%    47   12.1  29.6  11.7 249.7  40.4
       5. ae-7.r20.londen12.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net                                                   4.3%    47   12.4  24.5  10.9 198.6  34.1
       6. ae-13.a03.londen12.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net                                                  0.0%    47   26.9  31.1  10.9 216.3  42.1
       7. 2001:728:0:5000::5ce                                                                  0.0%    47   13.7  20.9  11.1 166.2  29.3
       8. (waiting for reply)
      • Will_Tisdale
      • 11 mths ago
      • Reported - view

        It is confirmed as definitely not an A&A issue, which I knew it wasn't and it was obviously not from the information I already provided, but they have confirmed that.

      The issue is with Anexia not routing to LINX, as I said at the start. Can you please open a ticket with Anexia, or tell me how to open one with them so I can get this fixed?

    • Andrew.20
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    We (A&A, AS20712) solved this by pinging Anexia's router on LINX from our router on LINX... this would have updated the MAC.... When this happens again we'll investigate a bit deeper. But the common factor seems to be LINX and Anexia's MAC address.

    • NextDNs
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Sorry for the delay; there was a lot of back and forth with Anexia. We have now diverted the egress traffic for this ASN so that it does not go through LINX, as their router has some issues, as mentioned above. Please let us know if this resolves the issue.

    • Ken.5
    • 8 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Am I correct in thinking that this is resolved now and I can re-enable the DNS?


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