dns.nextdns.io has been blocked by the Chinese firewall
dns.nextdns.io has been blocked by the Chinese firewall. It appears to be blocked by SNI rather than by IP. Could you consider adding a user-defined resolution feature? For example, if I own example.com, I could resolve dns.example.com to your address and then perform DoH queries through dns.example.com.
Adding a user-defined resolution might also be applicable in regions without blocking and could potentially help with privacy protection。
1 reply
Is Cloudflare Workers blocked there? You can use doh-cf-workers from GitHub pointing to your NextDNS address. Another alternative is just adding a simple route on a Nginx server like this
location /anyPathYouWant { proxy_pass yourDoHAddress; }
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- 3 mths agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 120Views