YouTube videos suddenly get stuck and slower page load time

Hi, so I don't know if it's a bug or how to categorize it, but sometimes YouTube videos get stuck and they don't load anymore, I have to restart the video and pray it loads then, but it's pretty annoying, before using NextDNS I didn't have this problem, and my internet is good, it's not related to this definitely I mean here's the result I just made on speedtest(it's on the bottom)...so yeah if there's anything else I can post to help tell me, I also followed the guide https://github.com/yokoffing/NextDNS-Config to configure it and on the NextDNS setup page it says "All good This device is using NextDNS with this profile." I configured the "DNS over HTTPS" and "IPv6" just like in the instructions and this is all I did, also sometimes I noticed any web page takes a few more seconds to load than without using NextDNS so yeah any help is appreciated, cheers! 
Also here's the results from https://ping.nextdns.io/ https://test.nextdns.io/ and https://test-ipv6.com/ sometimes if I reload the pages it either puts me on "zepto-buh (IPv6)" which is the lower latency one or on "zepto-zrh (IPv6) "which has 20-30 more latency, and by the way if it helps I've ticked IPv6 in the Ethernet properties, it was ticked off/disabled on my PC but on my laptop it was on from when I bought it, I don't know if it might be related to this as on https://test-ipv6.com/ it says everything is fine so yea idk.






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