Windows 10 no internet error.. having no luck fixing

Somebody please help me understand what I am doing wrong here. I have a standard windows 10 install. I have NextDNS 2.0.1 app installed. I am using my configuration ID for my specific "parent" profile. On that profile I have nothing in the blacklist, and dns.msftncsi.com and www.msftconnecttest.com in the allow list. The logs for this desktop do not show either of those domains being blocked. And yet, if I enable the NextDNS app, within 5 minutes I get the dreaded "no internet" globe. If I disable the NextDNS app, that IMMEDIATELY goes away and windows says I have internet again. It is repeatable easily, but I cannot figure out why. help!?

I do actually have internet during the error state, but it causes a lot of programs to stop working because they seem to think the pc doesn't have internet.

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