Crippled download speeds using NextDNS

I made a thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextdns/comments/16k91wo/extremely_slow_download_speed_on_ps5_and_xbox/

and was advised to make a bug report here. 

In short my speeds are crippled when using NextDNS.

Xbox, PS5 and some other services are extremely negatively affected. Browsing doesn't suffer this issue at all.

Router: Asus AX88U

Line Speed: 1000mbit down / 500mbit up

Speeds on affected serviced: Max 200mbit down, average 50mbit down, worst 1mbit down

Here's the result of ping.nextdns.io

hetzner-hel 2 ms (ultralow1)
tavu-hel 6 ms (ultralow2)
anexia-sto 7 ms
zepto-sto 8 ms (anycast1)
wavecom-tll 13 ms
anexia-osl 14 ms
zepto-osl 30 ms
melbicom-rix 54 ms
edis-rix 54 ms
edis-vno 58 ms
■ anexia-jnb 208 ms (anycast2)

Here's text.nextdns.io

"status": "ok",
"protocol": "DOH",
"profile": "fp96e7c24d8fa69a28",
"client": "91.xxx.xxx.248",
"srcIP": "91.xxx.xxx.248",
"destIP": "135.xxx.xxx.167",
"anycast": false,
"server": "hetzner-hel-1",
"clientName": "unknown-doh"

I'd be grateful for any information. I shouldn't be getting such slow speeds. I guess I am being pushed to a sub-optimcal CDN or something on these services?

As soon as I disable NextDNS my speeds immediately return to normal across all services.

Thanks much for any help!

3 replies

    • nothingdns
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Here's the diag report too from my Windows machine:


    • NextDNS_Network
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    We've just made some changes to the JNB routing, and it should be no longer announced to LINX and NL-IX now. Could you check again?

    • nothingdns
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks, I will give it a test and come back in a day or two with the results.

    For now I am getting this with ping.nextdns.io

    ■ hetzner-hel     2 ms  (ultralow1)
      tavu-hel        6 ms  (ultralow2)
      anexia-sto      7 ms  (anycast2)
      zepto-sto       8 ms  (anycast1)
      wavecom-tll    13 ms
      anexia-osl     14 ms
      zepto-osl      30 ms
      melbicom-rix   54 ms
      edis-rix       54 ms
      edis-vno       58 ms

    and this for test.nextdns.io

    "status": "ok",
    "protocol": "DOH",
    "profile": "fp96e7c24d8fa69a28",
    "client": "91.xxx.xxx.248",
    "srcIP": "91.xxx.xxx.248",
    "destIP": "135.xxx.xxx.167",
    "anycast": false,
    "server": "hetzner-hel-1",
    "clientName": "unknown-doh"

    and this for diag:



    This is using both the:

    Addresses on my ASUS Router. Previously I was only using the first as the second came with the 200ms+ latency.

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