My nextdns works fine, with the majority of advertisements being blocked. However, there is an entire ecosystem of very well established advertisement domains which are completely ignored. I checked most of these advertisement URLs and they are very obvious and are not part of the sites original domains, or anything like that. I cannot possibly fathom how these sites are not added to filter lists. You will see just how ridiculous this is by going to a very popular file sharing website such as IGG-games.com and then actually trying to navigate through anything. Especially when you get to any of the actual files hosted on other sites, especially at megaup.net. Its like totally ridiculous. How are these advertisements not filtered?

Also please excuse the examples I am using, there is no way to legally determine if the content on these sites are copyright or not. And I dont believe its against any law to simply browse these sites. Thank you. 

7 replies

    • losnad
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I don't see any ads with any or all of this lists enabled: AdGuard DNS filter, oisd and notracking.

      • Andrew_R
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      losnad  hello, your comment assumes that i am using the nextdns app. is it unreasonable to believe these advertising domains should be filtered by default, and filtered by the actual DNS service, such as most other advertisements currently are?  im not understanding this. you must also excuse me but there is no appeal in installing any application. i believe the actual DNS service should just filter these, as  it filters everything else without the need for any applications. once again these advertising URLs seem very obvious so i cant possibly understand how hundreds of these blatant and well established advertising domains remain to be unfiltered. thank you   

    • losnad
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I don't know how did you come up with that conclusion about my assumptions.

    Do you have an account on my.nextdns.io?

    Did you follow the instructions from the Setup?

    Did you make the configuration?

    Did you read the Knowledge Base?

    How do you use NextDNS... You provided 0 useful informations.

    There is nothing wrong with NextDNS, at least not in the this scenario.

    • Hey
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    If you look inside that IGG site, you'll see that if you try to open the ads they're blocked and the popup domains are blocked. DNS has a single job to resolve a domain, if they're loading the ads from a domain that's used for legitimate reasons other than to serve ads it won't be blocked and by blocking would hurt the experience for others.

    So as long as the pop-ups are blocked and the domains are blocked NextDNS is doing it's job otherwise no DNS filters HTTPs from my knowledge.

    • Andrew_R
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    yes, i have my account set up and even payed for monthly subscription. everything is working fine as it should, except for this large pool of ads which remain unblocked, which im certain is because the advertisement URL/domains remain to be unfiltered by any nextdns block lists.

    also, replying to @hey ....... yes, i know what you are saying, as yes some of those adds are blocked, but a huge number of them remain unblocked. well over 60% are unblocked. and these URLs are very obvious advertising domains which are completely separate from the original site. really cant understand how you are not seeing this. very blatant and obvious advertising domains. there is also a huge pool of these adds which are served random. go ahead and try exploring further on this IGG-games.com website.

    once again, yes, some of those ads are placeholders which do not function when clicked on, and are successfully blocked,  but really so many more are just completely unblocked. go ahead and test it out

    • Andrew_R
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    oh excuse me, i totally missed the blocklist configuration from the privacy tab on my account page. my gosh, the options here are enormous. this seems like this would be effective, please excuse me. but to my credit, its very easy to miss this feature because at a quick glance it seems to be an option to manually import your own block lists, which is not ideal. excuse me.

    edit: after enabling the additional  block lists, i can indeed confirm they are more effective. still not at 100% but definitely close and much higher than before. is there a way i can mark this issue as resolved? thanks

      • Pierre_Cartier
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Andrew R Edit your post and add in your title [Resolved]

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