Query Log location on Linux for NextDNS Native Client

When using the NextDNS on linux, and with the config set to log-queries true, to what file and path are the log entries written to? To which file and path?

P.S. the method of enabling query logging is: nextdns config set -log-queries=true and one can verify they are enabled by looking at the output of nextdns config .

2 replies

    • in_addr_arpa
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    While I haven't found a way to access it on a file handler on disk, I have been able to view recent log entries from console with:

    nextdns log
    • Martin.1
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Running pfSense, when I do 'nextdns log' all I get is 'Error: exit status 1'.

    That is whether I have log-queries set to true or false (false was default).

    I cannot see a /var/log/messages file either.

    Yes, I did restart nextdns after changing the config.

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