iOS App - “ This device is using NextDNS with no profile. ” - service not working
Paid subscriber. Custom id has been entered in the app. Browsing to a blocked site on phone allows access. Browsing to my.nextdns.io gives error above. test nextdns goves: { "status": "ok",…
Google Safesearch Doesn't Filter, Only Blurs
Google safesearch has 2 modes, blur and filter. When enforce Safesearch is enabled from NextDNS, it only blurs explicit content, which can be easily accessed by just clicking "view image".…
Allow comments in Allowlist/Denylist
I would like to be able to add a comment to each domain that I put on the Allowlist (so that I later can easily see why I allowed that particular domain). (and maybe the same for the Denylist)
notes on list items (deny, allow, rewrite)
While I do create notes for my blacklist items and whitelist items it would be super convenient for (paid) accounts to have a 42 character note for each list item when I am managing an account…
How to geek - how to get to the site
recently, my favorite website howtogeek.com has started to show me this message. is there is a way to setup nextdns to bypass this? Something went wrong.…
API Log pull, redirect | CURL and script challenges (automation)
Problem: I want to pull logs from the API using CURL The redirected URL that is currently returned must be subject to scripting before it can be used for example in a crontab job I want to pull the…
Lastpass blocked by NextDNS
Hi, NextDNS is not allowing me to reach Lastpass.com, the domain is whitelisted (*.lastpass.com) and not shown as blocked in the logs but both website and extension are not working when NextDNS is…
NextDNS stopped blocking completely!
I just noticed NextDNS has stopped working on ALL of my devices, even though I’m on the annual paid plan. The logs show no activity since about 12 hours ago. How can I get support for this issue?
shock filter
Hello support of nextdns is there any shock webfilter? if not then go **** ******** Please GIVE ME A EMAIL OR NUMBER TO CALL REAL SUPPORT Thanks, in regards -Retrix
Using the NextDNS Command-Line Client on MacOS, how do I find out the local IP on my Mac to use for DNS?
I set up NextDNS via command line and it is started and running. I just need the local IP address for it now and I can't seem to find out how. Can anyone point me in the right direction?…