Network Latency
From SFO I'm being routed to JNB https://nextdns.io/diag/13349df0-9f8b-11ee-bda5-d11bbe6ec06f
Logs are broken
Hello ! I installed NextDNS servers on all my devices at home, a profile for each person at home. For several days, DNS requests from certain devices no longer appear, in particular DOT requests,…
Can we dissect what the apple configuration profile is doing ?
I think I generally understand what we are doing when we create a configuration profile at: apple.nextdns.io However: When I examine the resulting profile with the strings command, I see things like:…
Facebook apps misbehaving when "Goodbye Ads" is used
Word or warning... In the last week, the Facebook app on our iPhone stopped working properly. Whatever we tried failed (Deleting app, Removing App, removing iCloud backups,…
Network latency
Hi, I am having some network latency issues with nextdns. Any other DNS is way faster for me currently, is there anyway to fix this issue? https://nextdns.…
Add "news feed eradicator" to NextDNS?
Is it possible to add the news feed eradicator feature to nextdns? https://www.betimeful.com/blogs/news-feed-eradicator…
Same device connects to different servers depending on setup
I am noticing interesting behavior around which server location is being used. I am located in the Great Lakes region of the US. When using Private DNS in Android I connect to servers in Pittsburgh.…
How is NextDNS different from traditional adblockers?
A traditional ad blocker works at the browser level. While it can block more types of ads, it is also limited to the browser and it takes more CPU and battery to do the same thing.…
NextDNS on OpenWRT
I've seen plenty of these posts, tried the things they say, but can't seem to get it to work, so I'm hoping someone here can also help me! Here's the info other threads have asked for: root@OpenWrt:…
High latency to Google domains
Hi! For at least a couple of days (but quite possibly longer) I've noticed that Google-related domains (google.com, youtube.com etc.) resolve to IP addresses that are, judging by the latency,…