Request to add Adguard Annoyances Filter Blocklist
Hi Adguard Team, I am writing to request to add Adguard Annoyances filter in the Blocklist dropdown. raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/FiltersRegistry/master/filters/filter_14_Annoyances/filter.…
Does Next DNS block in app trackers like duckduckgo's new beta app tracker blocker?
Yea after trying out they're new feature for awhile I started missing the way next dns kept ads out of apps I used but I can only use one of the services due to android only allowing one vpn network…
Videos on online news portals blocked / no information in the logs
Hi there, I recently had to add a domain to the allowlist because I couldn't track down what was causing the webpage not to work properly. This happened to online newspaper / news article websites…
long needed Privacy Block list cleanup
NextDNS team should really think about deleting all blocklists which is not updated in more than a year or have zero entries. They are obsolete and do not make sense to use.…
Filter for the DNS adblocker
Is there any way that I can put a filter on the adblocker part of nextdns that alowes me to add them there if some syte or app doesent work properly. Thanks for the help.
Does NextDNS really support DNSCrypt?
When I copy the DNSCrypt (sdns) address showing under https://my.nextdns.io and paste it into https://dnscrypt.info/stamps/ it translates into an ordinary DoH-address pointing to my profile.…
Mechanism to flag potential hijacking instances
Hey, I was wondering if it's possible, e.g. through logging and validation, to monitor and flag potential hijacking instances? For instance: 1) Client-side NextDNS submits DNS request [logged] 2)…
vpn or vpn + custom dns server
Hello, I use a PC running linux. (Fedora 40) I also use Librewolf as a web browser and MullvadVPN as a vpn as well as a dns content blocker. However, Mullvadvpn allows you to choose a custom DNS…
Use encrypted DNS with IP address
Hi, Recently, when I checked the digital certificate on Firefox, I found that some public encrypted DNS servers can use the IP address directly, without going through the hostname.…
Only 5-6% of my queries validated with DNSSEC in my settings, Is it ok or it should be 100%. My NEXTDNS is on my devices.
Hagezi TIF
Hi guys. Ive tried Hagezi Normal, Multi, Pro etc and also Hagezi TIF. What i can say is Hagezi TIF is not utilize with full adblock like Normal, Multi and etc. Am i right?
GAFAM blocking!
Hi NextDNS committee, I suggest you check these lists out and add them to the blocklists as soon as possible! https://github.com/nickspaargaren/no-google?…
Inquiry About the Validity of Disconnect Blocklist
Dear NextDNS Team, I am reaching out to seek clarification on the current validity of the Disconnect blocklist. It has come to my attention that the last update occurred four years ago,…
Is Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet Broken?
Testing my network today I notice that NextDNS' Anon-EDNS is no longer Anon. I use https://www.dnscheck.tools/ to test DNS for dnsleaks, etc. Where before it never showed anything about EDNS today it…
NXdomain what is it? I'm being bombarded by it.
I have no idea what NXdomain is. After being hit by it several times, I decided to look it up, apparently it's something to do with ISP's trying to highjack DNS request.…
Add new DNS list and cleaup old one
Hi Can URLhouse filter be added to the DNS list ? https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/urlhaus-filter#full-version Additionally, some of the DNS lists in Privacy section looks like need to be removed,…
Issue with Nextdns DNSSEC.
I have tested my nextdns DNSSEC and there are 4 errors in the test please solve this issue.
Secure DNS SNI Support Brave
i did all settings as per in my Brave Browser Secure DNS using DNS-over-HTTPS https://dns.nextdns.io/xxxxxx nextDNS don't support Encrypted SNI and Secure DNS.…
Error while checking the current status.
Error while checking the current status. Please talk to us if this problem persists after refreshing the page. I try to connect to NextDNS all the time, but I literally cannot,…
DNS over TLS not Working. Please Help!
I am attempting to set up DNS over TLS on my Asus Router, but I have no internet once DNS over TLS is enabled. Everything works fine with DNS over TLS disabled.…
NXdomain what is it? I'm being bombarded by it
have no idea what NXdomain is. After being hit by it several times, I decided to look it up, apparently it's something to do with ISP's trying to highjack DNS request.…
Am I overloading block lists?
I wonder if these are repetitive: AdGuard DNS filter someonewhocares.org (Dan Pollock) Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List0 entries • Updated 10 months ago Peter Lowe NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist…
IP leak ProtonVPN
Accidentally I clicked "link IP" in NextDNS on my Android so my personal IP was visible even with ProtonVPN on. I copied the profile to a new profile, I reconfigured everything and then deleted the…
ProtonVPN + NextDNS
Hi guys. How i'm gonna know both are running perfectly in my device?