Weird pop location (not choosing local servers)

Hi NextDNS,

Is there a problem with the service/routing lately? I usually resolve to your servers in CPH ( estnoc-cph or  anexia-cph) but after a random of hours it is switching from Ultralow to Anycast  after a while for some reason. I'm using NextDNS CLI on my router (Ubiquiti USG).

I saw another post some time ago, with almost the same exact issue.

Link: https://help.nextdns.io/t/35hlc0d/cli-switching-from-ultralow-to-anycast

Diag Report: https://nextdns.io/diag/98520980-c579-11eb-888e-9bb8ed454902

The only way to bypass this problem is to use the forwarder command in the config to specify the routers in CPH. :(

9 replies

    • NextDNs
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    We identified the issue and will deploy a fix soon.

      • Pro Subcriber
      • frankebob
      • 3 yrs ago
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      NextDNS thanks! Looking forward to the fix. 😀

      • Pro Subscriber ✅
      • Jorgen_A
      • 3 yrs ago
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      NextDNS Has the fix been deployed now maybe?! Seems I'm connected to Ultralow-servers for the past 8 hours which is much longer than before 😄

      • Pro Subcriber
      • frankebob
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jörgen I don’t think so. I tried yesterday and after only 3 hours it changed server ☹️ 
      But I could be wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️

      • Pro Subscriber ✅
      • Jorgen_A
      • 3 yrs ago
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      frankebob Still sticking to Ultralow for me and 16 hours now since I rebooted my router yesterday. Maybe give your router a reboot, so it gets a fresh start?! Hopefully NextDNS can clarify the status. 🙂

      • ■ anexia-cph    3 ms  (anycast2, ultralow1)
      •   estnoc-cph    4 ms  (ultralow2)
      •   anexia-osl   18 ms
      •   zepto-sto    23 ms  (anycast1)
      • NextDNs
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jörgen yes

      • Pro Subcriber
      • frankebob
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      NextDNS Okay - I will try to give the router a reboot and follow the logs the next hours 🙂

      • Pro Subcriber
      • frankebob
      • 3 yrs ago
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      NextDNS Jörgen Just to follow up on this. As of now, it works perfectly 👍👋Good job, and thanks for the fast service!

      I'm one happy paying customer 😉

    • Pro Subcriber
    • frankebob
    • 3 yrs ago
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    NextDNS - a short update on the issue that got fixed. For 3 days in a row I have again been resolve to the Anycast server in Sweden. The strange thing about it, is that it happens everyday around the same time - 23:45. 

    I have posted a new diag report, if you can use that:


    Hope you can find some answered :)

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