Conditional configuration and renaming

My router doesn't support DoH or DoT, and i can't install openWRT. But if it is possible to set up the system I have described below, I would like to use my windows pc as a "smart" DNS server (or NextDNS client, idk what to call it) in my own network. If it works, then I might get a Raspberry Pi for this job and keep it on all the time.

Basically, it routes the dns requests based on client IP addresses and MAC addresses.

if client has IP address of
-> use https://dns.nextdns.io/<ConfigID1>/MyTvBox

if client has MAC address of 12:34:56:78:9A:BC
-> use https://dns.nextdns.io/<ConfigID1>/MyTablet

if it doesn't match any rule (default case)
-> use https://dns.nextdns.io/<ConfigID2>/<WifiDeviceName>--<MacAddress>

For example when a Xiaomi/Redmi phone sends a dns request, it can be resolved with this url:
So that it will use different configuration than my other devices and i will be able see the device name in the logs.

2 replies

    • Pro subscriber ✓
    • DynamicNotSlow
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    This would be need more maintenance than just config NextDNS on your devices.

    • Ruby_Balloon
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Not sure exactly what you mean by these naming convention/examples but you can set a custom config name per config ID (but not the actual config ID itself as it's auto-generated). Also you can identify devices by setting a custom name via DoH, DoT, or through one of the NextDNS (NDNS) apps at the device level.

    However the conditional forwarding and conditional config ID selection can only be done if the NDNS CLI is installed on the router


    NDNS CLI Wiki:



    NDNS CLI Conditional Forwarder:



    NDNS CLI Conditional Config ID Selection (by client subnet prefix or MAC Address):


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