Router CLI - Devices not always routed to defined conditional config

Hi Folks-

I have several Conditional configs based both on MAC address and /24 Subnets. My strategy is to have certain devices mapped to user-specific MAC-defined configs so that a user-specific profile takes effect regardless of subnet, and that anything else on the subnet without a MAC-defined profile will inherit a config defined by the /24 subnet (a catch-all).

I've noticed logs that indicate a device sometimes reports to a MAC-defined profile and sometimes to the subnet-defined profile, the log events are within minutes of each other.

The MAC-defined profiles are declared higher in the nextdns.conf file than the subnet-defined profiles.

Is this expected behavior? Or any suggestions to improve reliability of performance?

1 reply

    • Human_Person
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Welp, 3 years later and I found this post because I just noticed this happening to me as well. AFAICT, it's only happening when the device boots or wakes from sleep and only lasts < 30s. I'll see parallel log entries in the profile assigned to its MAC address as well as the fallback profile. In the fallback profile the device is also not recognized in the first few entries (showing as "Device #ABC12").

    Obviously, having the early DNS queries leak through is not great.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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