Enable 2FA and Email Notifications when deleting Account

Can we enable the 2FA and email notifications when deleting an account?

I think it’s better if 2FA is required and also an email notification is sent for added security in case someone accidentally click the delete account button.

I also think there should also be a warning for deleting accounts that have existing subscription.

At the moment, when you delete an account, it will just ask the password and that’s it. If you have an existing subscription and you accidentally deleted your account, then it’s gone with no notification or warning.

5 replies

    • Calvin_Hobbes
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Are you sure?  Are you absolutely, positively sure?

      • Anownymous
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calvin Hobbes 

      yeah. I have tried it.

      i have two accounts. Both pro - yearly and monthly (used by Extended Family). I deleted the monthly. No prompt, no 2FA, no email notification. It just asked for the password. No warning or confirmation or whatsoever.


      try it. Create a dummy acount with 2Fa. Delete it. It will not ask for 2fa and no email confirmation once deleted. Just ask for password.

      • Pro subscriber ✓
      • DynamicNotSlow
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Anownymous that’s not what 2FA is for. You need it at account login. 
      If a unwanted user get access to your account, it’s already to late. 

      What’s why 2FA is important and it works as expected. 

      • Anownymous
      • 3 yrs ago
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      DynamicNotSlow i think it will still be better to ask for a 2FA before deleting the account like others. e.g when deleting reddit, twitter or facebook account, it asks for the password plus 2FA, a warning and an email confirmation.


      if we can’t have the 2FA, how about a warning and email confirmation. Warning prompt for users with active subscriptions when deleting account.

      if my account got compromised and my account gets deleted, i would not know since there is no email confirmation or anything.

    • SLCW
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I'm not sure that there's a big problem with people accidentally deleting their account. You could accidentally click on Delete, but accidentally clicking Delete, and then accidentally entering your password, and accidentally clicking Delete again isn't a very plausible scenario.

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