is there doc for test.nextdns.io.

I would like to know what the results mean. Is this documented anywhere? Thanks. 

4 replies

    • Ruby_Balloon
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Generally, its a way to easily test if you're using a NextDNS endpoint, if you're using an encrypted protocol like DOH/DOT/DOQ, if you're using IPv4/v6, and if you're using the closest server/PoP

    There's also ping.nextdns.io where you can test latency to the nearest servers/PoPs

    • Marc_Harmon
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Which field, in the test.nextdns.io output say that NextDNS is being used?

    FYI: OpenDNS and Cloudflare have testers that make the results quite obvious. 

      • Hey
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Marc Harmon The Status field tells you what you're looking for "ok" is you're using NextDNS if not it shows the status as "unconfigured" there are other things as well.

      When you aren't using NextDNS it only shows the resolver IP src IP and server name.

      When you are using NextDNS you'll see Profile, Client IP and clientName status that can only be shown when you're using the service also you have the protocol stats showing you exactly what you're using from DoH to DoT to DoQ etc.

      Those are the differences I know but without knowing all the parameters looking at the Status will give you the answer ok is as it means okay if not you aren't using NextDNS.

    • Marc_Harmon
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you

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