Mistakingly blocking *.perimeterx.net
Following reports from users, we noticed that you are blocking *.perimeterx.net. This domain is used by PerimeterX, a cyber security and anti-fraud company, to protect thousands of sites and applications from various attacks.
PerimeterX is fully compliant with privacy regulations all over the world (GDPR, CCPA, etc. ). We do not sell user information or use it in any way other than to decide if if the user is a threat to the site.
By not being able to access *.perimeterx.net on certain apps and sites, your users (and ours) will have negative experience on these apps and sites.
3 replies
Anyone managing a NextDNS config can whitelist the domain in question. I just did a basic site access check and the NextDNS blocklist is not currently blocking it but at least a couple of 3rd party blocklists are. NextDNS doesn't maintain 3rd party blocklists as they are independently managed. NextDNS does maintain their aggregate/recommended NextDNS Ads & Trackers blocklist though
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 208Views