Some thoughts regarding Recreation time

Under the parental control recreation time, could there be a way of making it automatically allow the hours added instead of having to be a specific time. Lets say playtime for kids for online games I wanted to give them  1 hour or 2 hours a day instead of having to add a specific time of day like making it religiously at that time, could you make it for it to be automatically if they used 30 minutes at 1pm then allow them to use the next 30 minutes of playtime at which ever time they want to use the next 30 available minutes.  Having a timer which knows how much you have used up of your recreation time at least implement this on the nextdns app if possible. Thanks 

9 replies

    • Pablo_Arisi
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Great idea! I was looking the same! thanks

    • Calvin_Hobbes
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Seriously?  How about doing your job as actual parents ?   

      • Rafael_Diaz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calvin Hobbes This is the type of BS response from someone who believes his world view covers every possibility.  Instead of offering valid input you attack.  This is actually a great feature and one of the reasons something like Circle for Disney or Firewalla have this feature.  

      But lets deal with your aggressive response first.  Some parents may have atypical children that cannot be taught to be self-responsible and focused.  Or we have have children with ADD/ADHD who have impulse control issues, or kids with any of a variety of challenges.  

      So yes as responsible parents we will use whatever tools are available to us,, you may find that hard to believe since you know all but some of us are using NextDNS as a tool for a variety of reasons,  But you've already decided that whatever reasons YOU are using NextDNS is the only valid reasons right?

      How about you take your head out of your @(&(*@  and realize that you have no clue some of the challenges parents have to deal with on a day to day basis.  How some are ON 24x7 and are incredible parents something you could not even begin to understand.

      • Hey
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Rafael Diaz He somewhat has a point about people just letting their kids do anything but the issue is if someone is going as far as trying to make sure that they kids succeed and trying to point them into a responsible direction where they learn to manage their fun and their work, that would make his point invalid. Not only for kids with ADHD etc ila parent can't simply be there 24/7 so having something that looks out for you when you aren't there is pretty great. 

      • Calvin_Hobbes
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Rafael Diaz DNS has no ability to know how long a user spends on a website.   It merely looks up an address.   If you’re looking for babysitter software, why not use the tools you mentioned?

      My worldview is people should understand the tools they use.   Learn how to add and subtract before using a calculator.    Then you’d understand why a calculator can’t magically fix your budget shortfalls, just as NextDNS cannot keep track of how long you watch porn.  

      • Hey
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calvin Hobbes People can't know everything, if technology isn't their thing they don't have to understand it. Most people use a phone but people don't know what a Kernel is nor how a Android works but they know how to use the apps and for most people that's more than enough. We shouldn't push them away that will just stop them from learning about it. We can just say yeah that's not something a DNS can do and maybe link them to an article about how it works so they can know more about it.

    • Gabriel_Ferreira
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Style Microsoft Family Safety from Windows 10,
    possibility to release the internet at specific times of the day
    • Ruby_Balloon
    • 3 yrs ago
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    In the context of NextDNS, this is likely impractical unless they develop some sort of parental control app down the road. Generally speaking, DNS has no way of knowing when your kid(s) have free time, nor when exactly they want to use this theoretical allotment of free time, nor how much of it they exactly want to use. Not to mention what would this hypothetical mechanism (for how exactly your kid(s) would even start/stop this "timer" you're speaking of) even be.  More than likely you will have to use an actual parent control application/program/product (designed as/for such) where kids can initiate these kind of things on the front-end for specified device(s) you setup or configure on the back-end

    • Brad.5
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Was looking for the same feature myself!

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