Possible configuration issue

Good evening everyone.

I would like help configuring NextDNS for use on my device.

I correctly did the steps to include DNS IP in IPv4 and restarted the device. But when accessing my page, it says that I am not using the service yet and informs the other resolver/IP being used at the moment.

Where am I going wrong?


10 replies

    • NOC_IDC19
    • 1 yr ago
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    For Windows you have to use DoH instead of normal DNS config. In NextDNS control panel you will find your DoH URLs and in this link you will find help how to configure DoH in Windows.

    How to Configure and Use DNS-Over-HTTPS (DoH) in Windows 11 - Appuals.com

    • Martheen
    • 1 yr ago
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    Have you linked your IP? Open your terminal, what is the full output of 

    nslookup google.com

    and does your NextDNS logs show the request? If not, it's possible your ISP is hijacking DNS request, verify it with comparing the output of 

    nslookup playboy.com


    nslookup playboy.com

    If you get the same output, your ISP is hijacking DNS requests, and you need to use DoH/DoT/DoQ either from the browser, NextDNS app, a third-party app like YogaDNS, etc.

    If the request from the terminal gets logged correctly, verify that your browser's Secure DNS setting is either disabled entirely or set to your unique DoH address.

      • Alisson_Pereira
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view


      Good afternoon Martheen, thanks for your help.

      I didn't understand the "linked your IP" part, the only configuration I do is the basics - access the IPv4 options, "manually configure DNS", put the IPs and two "OK".

      I am sending the images of the current settings. Theoretically I should be using the public DNS provided by Control D.

      But... Doing a test because my NextDNS page says I'm using another DNS and it's not Control D... I accessed a tool "What is my DNS?" and it says I'm using Google.

      So you talked about the internet provider interfering with the use of another DNS would make sense... Since you have two devices connected to the modem/router, although each one has a different DNS (the first one is with Google or Cloudfare) I I've been suffering constant security checks and locks, as if both devices were accessing the same pages at the same time (I'm suffering a lot with Yahoo Mail for example). I wanted to choose another DNS for this device to try to "pass away" from the other one.

      So I start to believe that the two devices, although configured with different DNS in Windows, are not in fact using another DNS because of the modem/router.


      Please check the images. Thank you promptly.

      • Martheen
      • 1 yr ago
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       the terminal screenshot shows your ISP & router respect the OS setting, your DNS test page implies it's the browser that ignores the OS setting instead. Find the setting, likely named "DNS over HTTPS", "Secure DNS" or "Encrypted DNS" depending on your browser, and either disable it or enter your unique NextDNS DoH address instead.

      • Alisson_Pereira
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       Due to the instability to watch streaming I changed the Public DNS of Control D for Google. The other device uses Cloudfare (although the user says he switches from one to the other a few times).
      Checking the settings of my browsers - Opera, Firefox and Edge - Edge had the function activated.
      I don't know if it behaves the same as Internet Explorer where its settings also reflect on the system.
      So, now yes, everyone already has "DNS over HTTPS" disabled.

      I will do a new test.

      Disable Edge function, reconfigure network to NextDNS and restart.

      I believe that, unlike Control D, I won't have a problem watching streaming since, according to DNSPerf, it's the best to use in Brazil.

      • Martheen
      • 1 yr ago
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       Edge (and Chrome) settings that apply on the system are the proxy settings, since unlike Firefox, it merely uses the Windows proxy config that would apply on any proxy-aware app. However, DNS over HTTPS settings are handled differently, all apps can have their own setting if they want to, can't even see other apps' settings since there's no standard yet, and would ignore the OS setting if enabled.

      • Alisson_Pereira
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view


      I understood. A long time ago I used something related to proxy but I don't remember what for. I think it was VPN setup only in a browser.

      I've been online activities today and to be safe I haven't done the "NextTest" yet but I should before turning off the device and reporting if I was able to access NextDNS or it keeps showing that I'm using Google.

    • Alisson_Pereira
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


    Once again put the IPs for DNS... But Windows or whatever ignores the configuration.

    • Fede2782
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I think the only way on Win10 is to use NextDNS app to apply globally. Otherwise go in each browser settings and set the DOH

    • Blackstone230.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hello @alisson_pereira

    In according with @fede2782, i saw so many scenarios that included adapters that can be modified by some change in Windows setup.  The secure options are:

    * Nextdns App installation in Windows: Also works with VPN providers if you use it.

    * Manual add Nextdns server in Android/IOS (app not adviced here).

    * You can also add DNS-over-HTTPS in every browser and if you have a personal router, you should also add your NextDNS servers.

    Note: I shoudn't advice to modify manual DNS on Windows because can be changed by other apps and also if the driver of the network adapter required to be reinstalled all the setup will be deleted and there'll be a security risk.



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