IPv6 over IPv4 + DoT + DoH

Hello everyone, i discovered NextDNS yesterday, so be patient.
What i have done firstly was try the IP link function after downloading the software for windows and setup like the guide say, but also reading DoT and DoH is better.
I moved up and set IPv6 over IPv4 (my ISP don't support IPv6) on my FritzBox and set the relative DNS router side.
Apparently this works on my.nextdns page
Then i setup my IPv6 DNS on Network
Then i setup my Browser as described in the guide.
Anything wrong?  If i'm not wrong i have DoT and DoH running right?

By setting up the Router side, WiFi and relative devices connected is covered by the same rule under NextDNS?
Because i try to block everything about facebook/oculus and connected in WiFi (oculus quest 2) and positively surprisingly, there is not internet available on the visor.
(Was just a test, but for single player/offline games looks good)
Let me know
I was using to modify "hosts" file until 2 days ago 🤐

1 reply

    • DinDon
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Don't know if because of my message above or maybe a wrong setting from my side BUT
    My ipv6 connection (tunneled over ipv4) is not supported anymore in my nextdns page.. aka my router cannot be set properly.
    The only thing changed is a second router in cascade.
    This can be the cause?
    ipv6 tunneled over ipv4 is supposed to works with NextDNS?

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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