Problems with Paramount Plus with NextDNS Enabled

Hi there my fellow NextDNS Users! I am currently on little over 2yrs with using NextDNS and absolutely love it! My only problem is whenever I use Paramount Plus on any device either my Android Tablet, FireTV or my computer it will not play anything with the server running but when I disable it, it works just fine. I try deleting all the Blocklists and it still won't play anything. Is there anyway around this where I can still use Paramount Plus without having to disable NextDNS everytime I use it?  I would love to have NextDNS running on my firetv but it has given me nothing but problems with my old firetv

13 replies

    • Hey
    • 1 yr ago
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    I can't exactly say much due to the fact that Paramount isn't available where I am but If you can check the logs to see if anything is blocked for any other reason (other than Blocklists possibly by  and try disabling Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet to see if that helps.

      • Joel_Birchenough
      • 1 yr ago
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      Hey I tried it out on my tablet with NextDNS enabled and when I go to play a video it just sits there and loads. I checked the logs for my tablet and the only things really being blocked are tracking from Google and a couple other things.  I even added Paramount Plus to the Allowed List to let it work along with NextDNS and still nothing just sits there and loads

    • Tom_DAprix
    • 1 yr ago
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    Paramount+ works fine on my setup - no whitelisting needed.

    I usually watch on a roku, but, it works fine on my desktop and tablet as well.

    I have the NextDNS client installed on a unifi UDM pro and am running only the HaGeZi - Multi PRO++ block list.


    I have only had to whitelist one site for SlingTV to work:


      • Joel_Birchenough
      • 1 yr ago
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      Tom D'Aprix hey there thank you for your response!  I tried what you have, I removed all the blocklists I had an only put what you use on mine for my tablet that I mostly use paramount plus on but my shows still won't play. Just gives me an error.  Any advice 

    • Tom_DAprix
    • 1 yr ago
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    if you've tried with no block list and you still have this issue, my guess it that it might be some other setting in your profile under security, privacy, parental control, etc.  shut off all of the options and see what you get.

    For what its worth, I have to press play several times to get things going on the paramount app on my laptop/desktop.

    • wprivera.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    I've had various difficulties with content playback on Paramount Plus. Here is the White List, that worked of me as of 07/26/2023 @ 4:35 PM.








    • jcaine81
    • 1 yr ago
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    So, in my testing of this issue, because I too experienced the same frustration, I was able to isolate the problem (at least on my end) to Google specifically. I have a basic plan that includes ads. So, since by default these are blocked (at least in my NextDNS setup), the ads at the beginning of the shows could not load, therefore, the rest of the content wouldn't load either. Same for the Live content.

    Once I whitelisted the following URLs on my NextDNS Allowlist, the content played without error. Hopefully, this will guide you in being able to do the same.




    Good luck!

      • Joel_Birchenough
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank you very much for your reply! I added my tablet to my account and put the following addresses under Allowed like you said and Paramount worked without a hitch! I appreciate everyones feedback!

      • Brandon_Philips
      • 1 yr ago
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       I have a "premium account" that is "ad free, except some shows" and this whitelist enables me to watch content even though it shouldn't have ads. 

      • jcaine81
      • 1 yr ago
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      • jcaine81
      • 1 yr ago
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       cheers! 🍻

      • Jason_Rowe
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank you for the info. I was facing the same issues with this app. adding those to the "Allow list" has made the app functional. 

    • jcaine81
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


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