My browsing experience have been a bit sluggish recently and checking the dns servers I found out those 2 PMO servers are not listed anymore on
anexia-MIL is the best one now, but PMO server have been always way better for me.
Any particular reasons why the 2 PMO servers have been taken down?
Usually PMO servers had 10ms less latency on average compared to MIL
I know this difference is "minimal" and shouldn't be perceivable, bust trust me when I say I discovered the missing servers because my browsing experience wasn't the same as before
Maybe other factors are in play too:
- more distance to cover (PMO <100km, MIL>1500km) = more hops to reach the servers = more chances to get stuck somewhere
- more load/traffic on the specific server
Are PMO servers gone forever? this is my biggest concern :(
I will check again in the future in case you decide to bring back PMO servers, but now I'm a bit sad because I feel I have better solutions to try out.