What happened to anexia/edis-PMO servers?

My browsing experience have been a bit sluggish recently and checking the dns servers I found out those 2 PMO servers are not listed anymore on ping.nextdns.io

anexia-MIL is the best one now, but PMO server have been always way better for me.

Any particular reasons why the 2 PMO servers have been taken down? 

It's a temporary or definitive change?

I don't want to install again pihole on my Pi4 :(

3 replies

    • NextDNs
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Please provide a https://nextdns.io/diag

      • michelation
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view


      Here's my log

      Usually PMO servers had  10ms less latency on average compared to MIL

      I know this difference is "minimal" and shouldn't be perceivable, bust trust me when I say I discovered the missing servers because my browsing experience wasn't the same as before

      Maybe other factors are in play too:

      - more distance to cover (PMO <100km, MIL>1500km) = more hops to reach the servers = more chances to get stuck somewhere

      - more load/traffic on the specific server

      Are PMO servers gone forever? this is my biggest concern :(


      Welcome to NextDNS network diagnostic tool.
      This tool will capture latency and routing information regarding
      the connectivity of your network with NextDNS.
      The source code of this tool is available at https://github.com/nextdns/diag
      Do you want to continue? (press enter to accept)
      Testing IPv6 connectivity
        available: false
      Fetching https://test.nextdns.io
        status: ok
        client: XXXXXXXXXX
        protocol: DOQ
        dest IP:
        server: anexia-mil-1
      Fetching PoP name for ultra low latency primary IPv4 (ipv4.dns1.nextdns.io)
        anexia-mil: 32.095ms
      Fetching PoP name for ultra low latency secondary IPv4 (ipv4.dns2.nextdns.io)
        zepto-mil: 42.161ms
      Fetching PoP name for anycast primary IPv4 (
        zepto-mow: 84.348ms
      Fetching PoP name for anycast secondary IPv4 (
        anexia-vie: 54.776ms
      Pinging PoPs
        anexia-mil: 35.571ms
        zepto-mil: 43.492ms
        edis-skp: 58.817ms
        edis-lju: 63.083ms
        edis-zag: 65.623ms
        zepto-ath: 70.689ms
        edis-beg: 74.393ms
        anexia-lju: 72.713ms
        zepto-zag: 82.815ms
        anexia-ath: 89.619ms
      Traceroute for ultra low latency primary IPv4 (
          2                   *     *     *
          3    6ms   6ms   5ms
          4    7ms   5ms   6ms
          5   18ms  14ms  15ms
          6   22ms  20ms  20ms
          7   33ms  32ms  33ms
          8   30ms  28ms  29ms
          9   30ms  32ms  29ms
         10   30ms  36ms  30ms
         11   35ms  35ms  37ms
         12   37ms  33ms  33ms
      Traceroute for ultra low latency secondary IPv4 (
          2                   *     *     *
          3    7ms   5ms   5ms
          4    7ms   6ms   5ms
          5   25ms  20ms  20ms
          6   26ms  25ms  25ms
          7   37ms  36ms  36ms
          8   32ms  31ms  33ms
          9   46ms  44ms  45ms
         10                   *     *     *
         11   76ms  60ms  59ms
         12   51ms  50ms  51ms
         13   47ms  46ms  46ms
         14   43ms  42ms  42ms
         15   47ms  46ms  45ms
      Traceroute for anycast primary IPv4 (
          2                   *     *     *
          3    7ms   5ms   6ms
          4    7ms   7ms   5ms
          5   15ms  14ms  15ms
          6   21ms  20ms  20ms
          7  159ms  31ms  31ms
          8   26ms  25ms  25ms
          9   59ms  43ms  49ms
         10   29ms  31ms  28ms
         11   26ms  26ms  26ms
         12   40ms  40ms  43ms
         13   39ms  42ms  41ms
         14   49ms  49ms  48ms
         15                   *     *     *
         16   77ms  77ms  76ms
         17   78ms  77ms  77ms
         18   73ms  71ms  71ms
      Traceroute for anycast secondary IPv4 (
          2                   *     *     *
          3    6ms   5ms   7ms
          4    6ms   6ms   5ms
          5   16ms  15ms  14ms
          6   20ms  17ms  18ms
          7   33ms  32ms  33ms
          8   31ms  30ms  30ms
          9   33ms  32ms  32ms
         10   32ms  30ms  31ms
         11   28ms  30ms  28ms
         12   42ms  43ms  57ms
         13   37ms  36ms  42ms
         14   55ms  53ms  53ms
         15                   *     *     *
         16                   *     *     *
         17                   *     *     *
         18   39ms  39ms  39ms
    • michelation
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I was very happy to use nextdns because of those two PMO servers... now that they're gone I'm not happy anymore.

    Yesterday I decided to turn on my Raspberry and setup  my personal config: 

    Unbound (recursive dns) + Redis (for cache persistence) + Pihole (adblock and black/whitelisting)

    I will check again in the future in case you decide to bring back PMO servers, but now I'm a bit sad because I feel I have better solutions to try out.

Content aside

  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 177Views
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