Eu Data protection Accountability - Services for EU business entities


My organization is evaluating whether and how to implement your services for our internal use. 


Although, on your web site I could not find any documentation related to compliance with eu data protection law such as:

- a data protection agreement model for companies based in eu;

- documentation stating whether or not does your company operate within the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

- relevant ISMS certifications that you hold. 

Can you please provide me with such documentation?

Also, I could not find anything about Terms and conditions of your services. Can you please also provide me with them? 

Finally, we have arleady emailed you at business@nextdns.io and sales@nextdns.io with our institutional email adressess, but we couldnt have any answer. Is there any email adress that we can rely on in case of need for a more private conversation?

Thank you and best regards

1 reply

    • F_C
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view


    is there someone who can provide me support?


    Thank you in advance

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  • 11 mths agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 101Views
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