my.nextdns setup instructions show invalid IP addresses (in instructions)?

In the general instructions, it only has the placeholders below instead of the issued IP Addresses.

For example in Mikrotik instructions:

/tool fetch url=https://curl.se/ca/cacert.pem
/certificate import file-name=cacert.pem
/ip dns set servers=""
/ip dns static add name=dns.nextdns.io address= type=A
/ip dns static add name=dns.nextdns.io address= type=A
... etc etc


Should they not be the actual issued IP addresses under the Linked IP Table?

1 reply

    • NextDNs
    • 4 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    The issued IPs are only useful when using the Linked IP feature. They are not needed for encrypted DNS protocols.

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