Can't connect to *anything* with NextDNS running when on home WiFi

I have a paid NextDNS plan.

All of the wifi connected (Mac) devices in our household have been unable to connect to any internet sites/apps. It works fine if I turn off NextDNS. I can still get NextDNS to run when connected to mobile data and not wifi.

Someone told me to run the diagnostic test. Lots of time outs. I could not generate the report link, I assume due to this error:

Do you want to send this report? [Y/n]: Y
Optional email in case we need additional info:
Post unsuccessful: status 400
{"error":"0: instance.Test requires property \"Client\"\n"}

I have attached the results of the test run in Terminal as a text file. 

Please advise. 

14 replies

    • Calvin_Hobbes
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    You’ll probably have to do some troubleshooting using tools such as traceroute and/or nslookup and/or dig.

    There’s also instructions here: https://help.nextdns.io/t/y4hmvcx/report-network-latency-issue

    Is it possible you have enabled Private Relay?   I don’t think NextDNS works with Private Relay 

      • M_Smith
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thanks for your reply. I did run the Mac terminal command from that page. My results are attached to my original post above. The test did not give me a diagnostic link to share, so the copy paste is the best I've got.

      To be clear, NextDNS is not being used on all of my home network. The default DNS service on the router is OpenDNS. Only specific devices use NextDNS. Everything not using NextDNS works fine.

      All iOS devices that have NextDNS turned on cannot connect to any internet location when on our home WiFi. My iPhone can use NextDNS and connect when WiFi is off and mobile data is used. My home computer, a ~2020ish iMac, uses NextDNS in the settings for Chrome, Brave, or Firefox browsers, none of which work at the moment. On the same computer, Safari, which does not have NextDNS enabled, does work. 

       I don't think Private Relay is an option on my Mac. 

      • M_Smith
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Just double checked. I don't have iCloud+ so can't use Private Relay?

      When you subscribe to iCloud+, you can turn on iCloud Private Relay in Apple ID iCloud settings.

      • Calvin_Hobbes
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       I looked at your txt file.    The traceroutes are definitely failing.   There's a routing problem somewhere between you and NextDNS.    It's not something you can fix.  I think NextDNS can (hopefully) fix it.

      If you look at your output, the last step of uploading the data also failed.    When it's succesful it generates a unique link that should be posted to the Bug reports.   Hopefully the good folks at NextDNS will take it from there.

      But first you need a succesful connection.   I'm pretty sure you can run the diag  with NextDNS disabled in order to upload the report and post the magic link.    

      It looks something like this: https://nextdns.io/diag/9eda2000-3d83-11ef-a0eb-83bfb3dfca2b

      They strip out any identifying information, so there's no risk in posting it publicly.

      So, go ahead and disable NextDNS and rerun the Diag tool and then create a new post in the Bug Reports.

      Alot of folks complain that support is slow to respond, but I think they give priority to Diag reports.   I haven't had to post one myself, so I can't say for sure.

      Good luck!

      • M_Smith
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      Thanks for looking. I don't have NextDNS running on the MacOS computer where the terminal test ran. I feel pretty confident that OpenDNS does not block anything related to NextDNS (in fact I have nextdns.io whitelisted, just in case), but I can try changing my router to google dns and try to run the test again.

      • M_Smith
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Welp, I turned off OpenDNS at the router and ran the test again. Forty minutes later, I got the same "post unsuccessful" error. Sigh.

      • Calvin_Hobbes
      • 3 mths ago
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       I’m pretty sure you meant NextDNS not OpenDNS.   It appears to be a routing problem somewhere on the internet between you and NextDNS servers.   I’m not sure what else can be done.   Maybe someone else will pop in with another solution.   Sorry 

      • Calvin_Hobbes
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      have you tried this https://ping.nextdns.io ?

      • M_Smith
      • 3 mths ago
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       I did mean OpenDNS. I only use NextDNS on select devices/browsers. OpenDNS is the  DNS on the home WiFi router. Then specific iOS devices (my phone, the kids' iPads) and select browsers on my computer use NextDNS. This has been the same setup for over a year.

      As none of the WiFi connected, NextDNS using devices/browsers can get anywhere, I also can't get to ping.nextdns.io. And this browser that I am on currently, which does not use NextDNS, can't get there either as, I assume, ping only answers to NextDNS clients.

      I can ping using mobile data on my phone:

      Edit to add: To be clear, when I "turned off OpenDNS" yesterday, I set the router to use its default Google DNS. There was no improvement.

      • Calvin_Hobbes
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       When you are using your mobile data you are essentially on a different ISP than your home ISP.    It looks like there's a problem with the route somewhere between your home ISP and NextDNS.

    • M_Smith
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    New terminal test as requested by NextDNS Staff. (Still was not able to get the diagnostic link.)

      • Calvin_Hobbes
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

        Maybe start a new thread with subject line "can't route to NextDNS" 

      • M_Smith
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Right after posting a new thread, things started working again. Not sure what changed. Terminal is still crawling and timing out running the network diagnostic test, but computer browsers and my iphone are working fine.

      ping on iOS connected to wifi

      • Calvin_Hobbes
      • 3 mths ago
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       That's great news.    In theory, internet routers should fix themselves by getting updated "routing tables."    Normally, those fixes should occur automatically and quickly.   (The internet is designed to route around a problem).    Maybe someone had to step in and manually fix a problem.

      Having said that, the diagnostic should also be able to run successfully too.    The diagnostic should be following the same path as your DNS data.   If the DNS data can get through to NextDNS servers, the diagnostic program should also be able to get through.

      I'm glad it's working now.    I expect the diagnostic will eventually work too, but if your DNS is working, then there's no reason to worry about it, but it sure would be interesting to see anyway.


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