Extend Parental Control functionality
It would be great if the Parental Control functions were a bit extended, because as it is, it's not really usable in the real world. Here's what I'd love to see added:
- Ability to time restrict / set recreation time for other things than those under Websites, Apps & Games. Adding more services to that list won't help. A simple example is various online games, as there's tons of them and listing all in the Websites, Apps & Games list isn't a good idea. Time restricting custom domains is the best option for everyone.
- Ability to create multiple recreation time profiles and set them individually for each service. This one isn't as crucial as no. 1, but I'd still like it added.
24 replies
I second these as well! =)
One extra vote... especially for No.1
Now you can only time restrict with parental control. I'd would make sense to have this for the 'blocklist' and 'exceptions' also.
Add also a ip address block, it will be very helpful. I know there is bypass method but need this one, pl., As some isp is blocking the dot.
So to combat, it will be required to block the ipaddress which is known to me and address of server is not blocking, as it seems to me.
Admin if u like my idea, pl. Implement. And it also solves common problem is (speed issue and latency). I have done some research on this.
Thank u in advance
I'd like to third this comment as well. I've found the parental controls to be very useful, but a finer grain control on the blocks of recreation time would be a great improvement for me. I'd like to have the ability to define a short block of recreation time in the morning, over the lunch hour, and again in the evening. Maybe instead of defining recreation periods, we could define controlled periods during the day.
+1 I would like to see this as well
Agreed this would be a great feature.
Is this on the roadmap at all? There are several websites/apps not available in the Parental Control list that I can only manage via deny list. Enabling schedules for these would be really helpful as soon the deny list will overtake what is available in Parental Controls.
+1 I would like to see this as well
Agreed we need this for more than just categories. If I want to turn “the internet”’off for my kids during a certain time, I should be able to do that. Having to classify the things I can control doesn’t give enough flexibility.
a way is to allow recreation time on the black list items, so that one can decide exactly what to allow or block (even the full internet with "*")
you don't have to reinvent anything. redirect the blocked pages to a request page and then release extra times via app (analog Apple Screen Time).
Just adding Custom Domains like the blocklist would be great ... all the other bells and whistles are great, but I would like to allow certain games just for an hour a day - and this would make it work :)
one year old, many votes and still nothing happens :(
I support further enhancement of the Parental Controls. I would prefer to have the option to add online games which I want to allow my kids to play to the Websites, Apps & Games so i can setup time restriction for these. What I would avoid is having to manage two lists to restrict online games. By the way Boomerang Parental Controls has a flexible restriction approach for APPs on the phone.
Add block Likee social
Definitely, better parental controls are a must. Being able to block everything (except a chosen list) after a certain time, like in the evening, would help cut down on endless scrolling and promote better sleep!
Multiple recreation times would give greater flexibility as follows;
- Ability to define time during travel to school.
- Block all selected apps / sites during school hours.
- Allow sites / apps for travel time home.
- Block sites / apps whilst doing homework.
- Allow sites / apps between finishing homework and bed time.
the Blocking functionality would be great if it can be set as only "time" (ex: 2 hours) that expires whenever the link is visited, instead of it defined between the hours of the day (09:00 -> 11:00)
I'd happily pay for this service and advocate it to others to use if the parental controls were improved in the ways suggested. Specifically in my user-case, it would be adding the schedule for access to specific domains or websites/apps - this would double as a 'focus' mode for those of us who can easily get distracted by sites during working time.
Yes, we need this. We need the ability to have more that one time frame per day also. And different types of items might need a different time frame. It just needs to generally be more open to configuration.
Now it seems like it would be a real paternal control cause thats what we all need
I'd love to see the ability to block certain things always, and other things sometimes. For example, I want to always block porn, but set recreation time for social media.
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- 4 mths agoLast active
- 24Replies
- 1740Views