Stop Others from Stoping NextDns servers on Windows

I set Up NextDns on my Child PC but i think he disabled it or it not working According to my configuration only server is using.

I have tried Next Dns pc client and yoga DNS but my child disable them so i need a hidden way to set up Nextdns so no one can disable it without my consent or something with password protection can also work.


I also tried Windows Users profile and create a different profile for my child but that doesn't seems any advantage on this issue except one that when i use my laptop as Admin starts NextDns pc ip Updater then it also run on non admin profiles so it works on my configuration and child can't stop it because of  he doesn't have admin rights but i not use my laptop daily so, after restarting all gone as only because non Admin profile boots.

Also tried on browsers settings but their also child disable it.

"For clarification my Router doesn't support DNS changing that's why i can't change settings for Router"

Any software will work which have Custom DNS SETTINGS  OPTIONS BUT THAT software  SHOULD named without DNS Name itself.  i.e.  A name like Firewall will work instead of DNS changer or something which includes DNS .

7 replies

    • Roger_Wright
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Can you enter the NextDNS IP addresses in the properties of the NIC?   You may need to do this under the Admin account and make sure your child is running as a Standard User account.

      • Priyanshu_Khaliya
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Roger Wright which IP address are you talking about?

      I only see these options on website

      ID, DNS-over-TLS/QUIC, DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS servers and IPv6.


      I have tried these methods none of this works they only help me to use nextdns server normally not by my configurations. 

      • Roger_Wright
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Priyanshu Khaliya On your NextDNS setup page, under the Linked IP section there should be a couple DNS servers addresses.   Use those for your NIC settings.   You'll lose the encryption but will force the NIC to use only those servers.   

      I don't know if changing the Brave browser DNS settings will override that or not.

      But make sure the user is only running as a Standard User account.  That reduces the ability to make changes to system settings, or to install any software.

    • Priyanshu_Khaliya
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Any other way can also work if that stops user from changing dns of browsers i use brave browser.

    Any way to lock settings of brave browser or diable changing dns anything like that will work?

    • Coral_River
    • 2 yrs ago
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    1) Set up user and admin accounts on your child's PC. The user account is for your child. The admin account is only for you (use a strong password).
    These is a good thing also from a security point of view.

    2) Go to the NextDNS configuration page (https://my.nextdns.io/....../setup), Windows, IPv6 and follow the instructions. Use DNS address for IPv6 (combination of digits and letters, which includes your NextDNS ID).

    3) Go to the NextDNS Parental Control page (https://my.nextdns.io/....../parentalcontrol) and enable Block Bypass Methods.

    • A_drianne
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I am not sure if this was mentioned or if it holds any weight here but under every browsers dns settings, just choosing "nextdns" for service providers isnt enough, you have to set your own custom dns with your ID for preferences to work...hope that makes sense

    • David.6
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I've been testing with this as of late too as I'm getting ready to set something up on my teenagers devices. I found during testing that simply putting in the NextDNS IPv4 addresses didn't get me to my custom configs or blocks that I could see. Seems that more is needed to be able to set that like with the client or directly in the browser. I kind of see that putting it right in the browser settings, not the nextdns client seems more buried and maybe harder for a kid to find and change.

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