Analytics Tab (Map Section) - Bug Report

After visiting the map area under the analytics I get a full page error. This can be reproduced with all browsers, as you go to your instance on my.netdns.io click on the analitics tab, scroll down, then hover over a few areas that have data to show. At the point that you move from the first hover point, to the seccond hover point. I see.


Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

Error: Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at fl (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:555064) at Object.enqueueSetState (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:511133) at e.g.setState (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:457474) at e.value (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/6.d7b0df5c.chunk.js:1:24307) at e.<anonymous> (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/6.d7b0df5c.chunk.js:1:24341) at fi (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:510743) at hs (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:548525) at Tl (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:565260) at t.unstable_runWithPriority (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:584654) at Hr (https://my.nextdns.io/static/js/3.cacb05d0.chunk.js:2:507012)



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