Apple TV Urls Not Displaying in Logs


I am having an issue where the urls from DNS queries from my Apple TV (with NextDNS configuration profile installed) are not displayed in the logs. Each log entry is present, including both blocked and not blocked urls, and show the device name, IP address, DNS-over-HTTPS (via Apple Configuration Profile), and date/time. So the entries are there but are missing the urls.

The configuration profile includes configuration ID, device name, device model, and is signed.

I have tried reinstalling new profiles multiple times with Apple TV restarts in between and get the same result each time.

Is this a limitation of a configuration profile on the Apple TV or is there something that can be fixed so the logs show exactly what urls are blocked/resolved?

I would be grateful for any help.

1 reply

    • iOS Developer
    • Rob
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Maybe I misunderstood you, but NextDNS is a domain name service; they handle domain names, not URLs.

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