Native Tracking Protection For Google TV Chromecast

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    • Pro subscriber ✓
    • DynamicNotSlow
    • 3 yrs ago
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    These Google devices uses their own DNS.

    If you don't like that, don't buy it. Other it doesn't make sense.

    • BourbonCrow
    • 1 yr ago
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    i know this is a old topic but i thought ill add it in here incase ppl are intrested

    Next DNS on Chromecast using ADB

    to turn on private dns on chromecast tv use the 2 commands below

    settings put global private_dns_mode hostname

    settings put global private_dns_specifier Your--Device--Name-YOURID.dns.nextdns.io

    to turn off private dns on chromecast tv use the 1 commands below

    settings put global private_dns_mode off


    app i used for it is on the store called Remote ADB Shell for this to work you have to turn on ADB on your choromecast in dev setttings and connect to it by ip  using the app aand use the commands  some dns requests will go past it and only use the default on your router but most will use private dns..  you can also force those on router to use next dns over https instead of regular plaintext once but thats another story

    you can see it working on image below this is only using the ADB stuff above


      • Artur_Nowak
      • 1 yr ago
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      BourbonCrow thank you!

      • oktoberpaard
      • 1 yr ago
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        this works, but I’ve noticed that the Google TV is also still using the DNS server from DHCP (which is this case is my router that forwards it to NextDNS). I just want to make people aware of this. I haven’t found a setting to stop the Google TV from leaking DNS. But I can confirm that DoT is working with this method. 

      • BourbonCrow
      • 1 yr ago
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      Equus Octoberall android devices leak dns that way my samsung does, my 2 chrome cast does and you wont even know it does cause it by passes your routers dns as well and uses googles own but only for some domains.. i foudn a way to force these to DNS but it required some firewall trickery on my router.. forcing all dns requests on port 53 to be rerouted back to my router so it will use the next dns on my router instead of the dns bypass they are trying to do.. example image here: https://i.imgur.com/ldqc3Nv.png . So all my devices run on a separate profile (Ultimate) the profile in that image called "Router" no device is using that one, all devices are on my ultimate profile, but my chromecasts and other androids even tho setup to use nextdns with the private dns setup they still have some dns requests that ignores the set private dns and uses i assume googles own. but i rerouted those requests and it seems to be only way.. its weird. example image shoes 3600 of my phones dns requests slipped by the set privateDNS.. while 16000 was was processed how it should on ultimate profile during this short time and most dns that slip by are google and netflix related


      edit: here is the guide for doing that https://cln.io/blog/forcing-dns-requests-over-internal-dns-server-with-a-firewall/

      • George.15
      • 4 mths ago
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      this works for me, I can verify that CCwGTV uses NextDNS for (at least part of its)  name resolution. Noob question: does this mean that those requests are encrypted in transit so that my ISP doesn't know about them?

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