NextDNS abandoned?

Is NextDNS under active development or has it been abandoned? Not updates since Jan, community activity slowing down, no updates from authors on threads like this one

Typical tell tale signs of a project being abandoned, so as a paying customer, I'd like for the devs/authors to just share what's going on vs keeping things in limbo.

8 replies

    • A_T
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hmm I'm new thus I can't tell much. I hope this project isn't going anywhere.

    With that said,  I did noticed that on the nextdns list of blocklists they still feature Energized blocklists, a project which has been dead in the waters for months.

      • John_Johnson
      • 1 yr ago
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      A T Moin, ich möchte nur anmerken das die Nextdns Blockliste regelmäßig aktualisiert wird.

    • ADNS
    • 1 yr ago
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    The iOS app was last updated two years ago and certainly hasn’t kept up with changes in iOS. So the app does seem abandoned, though the DNS servers may be working. Sadly, this is resulting in NextDNS not working on iOS and iPadOS for me.

      • Hey
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      ADNS I don't know about the iOS app but the Apple configuration profile should be much better in nearly every way as it's something that's imbedded in the OS itself, from what I know the app is meant to provide backwards compatibility with older versions of iOS, and since it's only function is to create a local tunnel to enable DoH it shouldn't need to be updated much.

      • Mogsy
      • 1 yr ago
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      ADNS I believe the app version/update is insignificant. I’ve read somewhere in this forum the developer explain their mechanism. 

      I guess they are focusing on dns0, but would be nice to get London dns0 server 

      • ADNS
      • 1 yr ago
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       The app on iOS/iPadOS is useful to temporarily turn off the NextDNS filtering and turn it on again. There are some required but sensitive sites where I have a need to turn off the filters quickly. This is something that’s not as easy or as quick to do with a profile.


      As far as my setup is concerned, NextDNS no longer works at all.

    • rick
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Well we can still pay.. maybe if we all stop paying they wel wake up again

    • Mogsy
    • 1 yr ago
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    Mullvad DNS set and forget 🤣

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