Add a way to unlink IP from the setup page

Currently there's no way to unlink an IP address from the setup page. The only way to unlink an IP address right now is to create a new profile.

3 replies

    • Mike.47
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Upvoted. In the meantime;

    Log into your account. Go to Settings. Scroll towards the bottom. You'll see 'Duplicate "YourProfileNameHere" '.

    Click duplicate and give it a new name. You'll get a new set of addresses and need to go to whatever device(s) and enter the new DNS info.

    Now you can at the top of NextDNS sites drop-down, switch to the old profile and go back to Settings and Select Delete. It will auro-switch to the new clone you made and the old one with the linked IP is history.

    • ippyup
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Curious as to why this is needed/what problem does it solve? Can you not just click to link a new IP and solve it that way?

      • Mike.47
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view


      Not sure if you're referring to me or doornail (OP).

      For me because I didn't want nor need the IP linked. I didn't follow the instructions properly originally (didn't notice until I just set up my Laptop the other night).

      My are parents are older and live in Florida 98% of the time and to be crude, I own 60% of the house until they pass. They still have devices here that I don't want reporting on my dashboard (or having access to my network so we are on different subnets and I can exclude them from my DNS entry (NextDNS) account. 

      So in short, their devices were showing up in my logs here on the site since we share an IP and it was IP bound causing issues.  Everyone has their reasons for what they do and why. For me it was above. Now that the IP isn't bound their devices are sandboxed.

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  • 6 mths agoLast active
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