Non ideal IPv6 Anycast2 Routing

Am in the UK. My ISP is Andrews & Arnold. 

I am getting unusual routing for IPv6 Anycast2 via Taiwan I think.  

Anycast1 is fine. 


# traceroute6 2a07:a8c1::xx
traceroute to 2a07:a8c1::xx

1 t.gormless.thn.aa.net.uk (2001:8b0:0:53::127) 8.181 ms 8.273 ms 7.939 ms
2 n-aimless.thn.aa.net.uk (2001:8b0:0:53::104) 8.432 ms 8.067 ms 8.125 ms
 3  *  *  *
 4  *  *  *
 5  *  *  *
 6  *  *  *
 7  *  *  *
 8  *  *  *
 9  *  *  *
10 as48024.ly.stuix.io (2a0f:5707:ffe3::92) 205.587 ms 2406:d400:1:133:203:163:222:156 (2406:d400:1:133:203:163:222:156) 220.452 ms as48024.ly.stuix.io (2a0f:5707:ffe3::92) 203.013 ms
11 po1-1950.cr01.tpe01.tw.misaka.io (2a0b:4342::99) 217.668 ms 215.349 ms 217.530 ms
12 po-12.lag.tpe01.tw.misaka.io (2407:b9c0:b000::12) 219.690 ms 217.584 ms 219.866 ms

Confirmed by ping.nextdns.io


anexia-lon              12 ms  (anycast2, ultralow2)

  anexia-lon (IPv6)       12 ms  (ultralow2)

  vultr-lon (IPv6)        12 ms  (anycast1)

  vultr-lon               12 ms  (anycast1)

  zepto-lon (IPv6)        12 ms  (ultralow1)

  zepto-lon               13 ms  (ultralow1)

  anexia-man              18 ms

  anexia-man (IPv6)       18 ms

  anexia-par              18 ms

  vultr-ams (IPv6)        19 ms

  anexia-par (IPv6)       19 ms

  netbarista-par (IPv6)   19 ms

  netbarista-par          20 ms

  virtua-par              20 ms

  vultr-ams               21 ms

  zepto-bru (IPv6)        21 ms

  virtua-par (IPv6)       24 ms

  fusa-bru                25 ms

  zepto-bru               25 ms

  fusa-bru (IPv6)         28 ms

  zepto-tpe (IPv6)       232 ms  (anycast2)


8 replies

    • S_M
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    So looks like you've fixed it already? Or at least improved it? Thank you if so!

    I'm getting `vultr-fra (IPv6)` instead of `zepto-tpe (IPv6)` for my anycast2, which is a lot closer...

    Here's the `mtr`

                                                                        My traceroute  [v0.95]
    A_A_x86 (2001:8b0:dc1b:1da1::1) -> 2a07:a8c1::31:527d (2a07:a8c1::xx:xxxx)                                                            2023-07-24T22:17:03+0100
    Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                                                                                                          Packets               Pings
    Host                                                                                                               Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
    1. AS20712  t.gormless.thn.aa.net.uk (2001:8b0:0:53::127)                                                           0.0%    48    7.9   8.0   7.6   8.4   0.2
    2. AS2914   ntt.a.needless.tch.aa.net.uk (2001:728:0:5000::67e)                                                     0.0%    48    8.2   8.1   7.6   8.7   0.2
    3. AS2914   xe-0-0-0-3-7.r04.londen05.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (2001:728:0:5000::67d)                                      0.0%    47    8.9   9.1   8.6  10.7   0.3
    4. AS2914   ae-7.r20.londen12.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (2001:728:0:2000::5d)                                               0.0%    47    8.8  11.1   8.3  30.1   4.6
    5. AS2914   ae-1.r21.londen12.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (2001:728:0:2000::11e)                                              0.0%    47    8.2  10.1   8.2  15.7   1.7
    6. AS2914   ae-16.r20.frnkge13.de.bb.gin.ntt.net (2001:728:0:2000::15e)                                             0.0%    47   19.9  24.1  18.9  54.4   9.5
    7. AS2914   ae-0.a03.frnkge13.de.bb.gin.ntt.net (2001:728:0:2000::51)                                               0.0%    47   23.1  28.1  18.8  52.4   7.7
    8. AS2914   xe-1-4-2-3.a03.frnkge13.de.ce.gin.ntt.net (2001:728:0:5000::6f6)                                        0.0%    47   19.6  22.4  18.6  49.0   6.8
    9. AS???    ethernetae2-sr2.fkt3.constant.com (2001:19f0:fc00::a4b:236)                                             0.0%    47   20.9  22.1  20.8  34.1   2.5
    10. AS???    ethernetswp26-ds1-u3-r53b02-b.fkt3.constant.com (2001:19f0:fc00::a4b:39e)                               0.0%    47   19.2  19.4  19.0  20.2   0.3
    11. (waiting for reply)
    12. AS34939  dns2.nextdns.io (2a07:a8c1::xx:xxxx)                                                                    0.0%    47   20.2  20.5  20.1  21.1   0.2

    Here's `ping.nextdns.io`

    ■ anexia-lon              10 ms  (anycast2, ultralow2)
      anexia-lon (IPv6)       11 ms  (ultralow2)
      vultr-lon               11 ms  (anycast1)
      vultr-lon (IPv6)        11 ms  (anycast1)
      zepto-lon (IPv6)        11 ms  (ultralow1)
      zepto-lon               11 ms  (ultralow1)
      vultr-ams (IPv6)        16 ms
      anexia-man (IPv6)       17 ms
      vultr-ams               17 ms
      anexia-par (IPv6)       17 ms
      virtua-par              18 ms
      netbarista-par          18 ms
      anexia-par              18 ms
      netbarista-par (IPv6)   18 ms
      anexia-man              18 ms
      zepto-bru (IPv6)        21 ms
      virtua-par (IPv6)       21 ms
      zepto-bru               22 ms
      vultr-fra (IPv6)        22 ms  (anycast2)
      fusa-bru                25 ms
      fusa-bru (IPv6)         27 ms
    • chiefk60vitz
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Any cast is something that hackers use to see your PC unless you're talking about the casting to the TV otherwise from your Android it should be using screen mirroring for any cast if that's what you're talking about but if you're otherwise if you do not using a screen mirroring program that's a hack to begin with

      • R_P_M
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       That’s a completely different thing in this instance.

      What @s_m is talking about is a Anycast IP address, which in simple terms means for one IP address you can be routed to any number of different servers, in good practice to the closest possible server for your connection. 

    • Agi_Ga
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Same for me. Something seems to be broken?

    I do have:

      zepto-tpe (IPv6)    330 ms  (anycast2, ultralow2)
      zepto-tpe           331 ms  (ultralow2)

    From Germany... Why is it going there?

      • Agi_Ga
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

      Can someone explain this? 

      It is only the zepto-tpe servers and it is doing this for a few weeks now. Is this bad routing?

      • NextDNs
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

      please open a new topic and provide a https://nextdns.io/diag

      • Agi_Ga
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

       Hope it's ok to give a short feedback here, as I cannot provide (privacy reasons) such a full report over here....

      When doing a diag I can clearly see, that the issue is somehow because of some weird routing of secondary PoP for anycast...

      Fetching PoP name for anycast primary IPv6 (2a07:a8c0::)
        zepto-fra: 3.559ms
      Fetching PoP name for anycast secondary IPv6 (2a07:a8c1::)
        zepto-tpe: 300.624ms

      Coming out of AS3320 landline network.

      Then going to TATA Network in FRA via ....ipv6.as6453.net

      And then the strange routing starts (all AS6453):










      ... and ends in tpe somewhere.

      Looks like the route is wrong.


      When doing the same via mobile network AS3320 everything is working fine.

      So it must be some routing issue from AS3320 landline to your network.


      EDIT: We're talking about the same IPv6 as in the beginning of the post (2a07:a8c1::).

      • NextDNs
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

       without the diag we can't investigate. 

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