return money, or make a normal guide. Mikrotik does not work!
/tool fetch url=
/certificate import file-name=cacert.pem
/ip dns set servers=
/ip dns static add address=45.XX.28.0 type=A
/ip dns static add address=45.XX.30.0 type=A
/ip dns static add address=2a07:a8c0:: type=AAAA
/ip dns static add address=2a07:a8c1:: type=AAAA
/ip dns set use-doh-server=“” verify-doh-cert=yes
so no mistake:
/tool fetch url=
but still doesn't work!
6 replies
Could you ask the Mikrotik forum? This should work.
I had setup NextDNS on Mikrotik, Router OS 6.48.1 (Stable)., successfully.
I am not sure now, but I think, I had a problems with quotes (").
Or I needed to use with quotes ("): /tool fetch url=""
Or without quotes ("): /ip dns set use-doh-server= verify-doh-cert=yes
Try both variants.
But, since I was missing the client identification, I have installed OpenWRT on my Mikrotik with NextDNS cli.
Replace the second line as follows:
/certificate import file-name=cacert.pem passphrase=""
The guide is excellent and Mikrotik (v6.48 and v6.49) works perfectly with NextDNS. I think having some basic Mikrotik knowledge is always required, but to get that basic knowledge takes lengthy research and patience. The only thing the guide had wrong was "/ip dns set servers=" because it did nothing it seems. I had to go to IP/DNS/Servers and remove it manually.
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