NextDNS Ping Results.

Just for my personal knowledge...

Why when I do a ping in Safari iOS I get different results in term of speed and country than a ping from an iOS app - Net Analyzer (https://apps.apple.com/tr/app/network-analyzer-pro/id557405467)?

9 replies

    • BigDargon
    • 2 yrs ago
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    nextdns.io is just a web page containing information about the service (a US server like you ping). Try pinging to the dns1.nextdns.io and dns2.nextdns.io domains. This is the address of the server that resolves your queries.

    • Hey
    • 2 yrs ago
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    If you go to http://test.nextdns.io/ you'll see the Destination IP the website purely pings the DNS servers the one with the white box is currently being used and the other highlighted one is the alternative server if the current server is having issues. So you don't have to worry about what other apps say. You can also ping the said Destination IP or the IP given to you in the setup page and will get the same results. The ping.nextdns.io website is purely made to do a simple ping.

    • Pierre_Cartier
    • 2 yrs ago
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    @bigdargon @Hey

    I tried what you both suggested. However results are worst and unconsitents. 

    The speed is much higher than the ping results. 

    Also, my NextDNS IP shows USA althought I am located in France. While ping results from destination IP (DoH test) and  DNS 1 & 2 show France. 

    Seriously I am now pretty confused and I won't mentioning the Route tests I made, different ping again and many other countries around the globe. I really don't get it. 

      • NextDNs
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Pierre Cartier IPs starting with 45.90. are anycast IPs. They are registered in the US but are local worldwide. Your ping shows 20ms to those IPs. If it was really in the US while you are in france, it would mean your packets are traveling faster than light.

      • Pierre_Cartier
      • 2 yrs ago
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      NextDNS Thanks for your answer but it did not help me to understand why the difference in speed and countries that I get. 

      Also, regarding the 45.90 IP the route just leaves me perplexe regarding your answer. 

      Sorry I might be stupid on this matter but I don't understand all those discrepancies.  

      • NextDNs
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Pierre Cartier using geo IP on infrastructure IPs does not make sense. Those geo traceroutes are just confusing. It’s fancy but useless :)

      • R_P_M
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Pierre Cartier The 45.90. IPs are not the actual destination server, so location would be completely wrong for those IPs. 
      Anycast IPs are different from normal IPs. Please see: wikipedia.org/wiki/Anycast for info if you’d like to learn more.

      • Hey
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Pierre Cartier Anycast is where a single IP directs you to the closest server, that IP isn't what you are connected to but the IP that manages where you will be connected to. It's weird but as everyone said.

      It's just something that DNS and other services use to reduce complications for example for (Cloudflare) it's not that everyone connects to that IP like the ones with 45.90 that NextDNS Mentioned is to simplify the connection they route you to the closest server and manage load between servers while making it easy to use a single IP for all your devices so you don't have to constantly manage where you are connected to, it helps if a server goes down or you're on a trip and inside another country.

    • Pierre_Cartier
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you guys for your extensive answers, much appreciated. 👍🏻

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