Petits détails d'ergonomie
@NextDNS Le DNS filtrant est à priori la meilleure solution. Mais peu adoptée et ChatGPT me dit qu'une des principales causes est que c'est "trop" technique.…
Android App Pharmacy2U Blocked By NextDNS
I am using NextDNS with my Pixel Pro 9 XL running Android 15. The above app only works if I disable NextDNS. I am unsure how to add it to an exception list.…
d3e54v103j8qbb.cloudfront.net been blocked by threat intelligence feed
Some sites (Webflow dashboard, webflow published sites...) displays a blank white page screen due to a blocked domain by NextDNS threat intelligence feed. It's blocking the domain d3e54v103j8qbb.…
ING APP Spain fails to load
Hi guys, For several days now, the ING Spain app for Android has not been starting up. Here is what I did in my investigation: - I checked that using another DNS resolver (CF in my case) on my mobile…
Change language on the sites
Hello, currently you get a language set automatically without being able to change it. At least I don't know how. It would be nice if you can set the language manually in the account.
NextDNS profile bricking wifi on macOS
Basically title. I've got NextDNS set up on all of my devices and even some friends and I love it. However, lately (might have been since updating to Sequoia),…
An Error occurred during Signature Verification
this has been on-going for months. the below screenshot was sent to team@ months ago (apr2023) with no response to date. there happen to be a fix available? os: Kubuntu2204 screenshot
DNS IPv6 cannot ping
other IPv6 DNS and IPv4 work fine. Only this DNS does not ping
Parental Control - Add Custom Website?
Is there a way to add a custom website under parental control? Add shellshock.io and block it from 3pm - 7pm M - F... I can only add from the list. John
Add OISD Small List
Please add the OISD small block list, I would like to use OISD, but I have too many false positives with the big list.