NextDNS servers for my area dropping traffic on and off - PNW region

I was afraid I was hitting a usage cap or something because I have a ton of devices in my house(big family) but I can't seem to figure out a rhyme or reason for the traffic dropping.    I have the NextDNS client on 7 of my PCs so the pc name shows up in the logs, and my router had the NextDNS plugin/client installed on it,  During these outages the router and my clients who bypass the router to connect to NextDNS are down.

If NextDNS is confident that the problem is my isp please let me know so I can try to reach out to them.

Can I point my router or clients to alternative nextDNS servers if these ones for some reason are inaccessible?

I brought this up before, but nothing was done about it, but it feels like it has gotten worse lately to the point of the service being un-usable.  the endpoint is inaccessible 100% of the time, and the one shown in the pingplot is hit and miss.


2 replies

    • NextDNs
    • 12 days ago
    • Reported - view

    Please provide a https://nextdns.io/diag

    • Steve_Tate
    • 5 days ago
    • Reported - view

    Lately the outages for the endpoint I was using wouldn't last long enough for the diag tool to run all the way through.
    And the 2nd endpoint cleared up recently and started working again, so it may be that something was fixed.  If we get another outage that lasts long enough to run the diag I will get that done.


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